Script solution - running Excel macro in SLES

Hello all,
I'm here again with new trouble. I need to find any possible way to apply excel macro on excel file in SLES server, or to convert that macro somehow.

Could you please share your ideas, and help me with this? Thank you in advance

ps (attached macro is with changed extension, because xlsm not allowed)

Or maybe it is possible to do this without macro. If column C (ringnoanswer) is equal with column C (exitwithtimeout), then write in new sheet Columns F,G,I from RingNoAnswer

It seems converting some EXCEL macro to a shell script is not too attractive in these forums. May I propose a different approach: If you post the two sheets as .csv files (in fact, text files) and care- and detailfully describe the check/compare actions needed, chances are someone comes up with a shell/ sed / awk script that does what you need...

1 Like

Or, in short, show the data you have, and then, show the data you want, and explain how they're related.


I have two sheets:

sheet one - ringnoanswer event:

Day   Start Date   Start Time   End Date   End Time   Queue   Operator   Issue   WaitTime       
Mon    07 Nov 2016    09:12:48 EST    07 Nov 2016    09:13:10 EST   2041   Djamila Millien   RINGNOANSWER   20000       
Mon    07 Nov 2016    09:32:19 EST    07 Nov 2016    09:32:41 EST   2041   Djamila Millien   RINGNOANSWER   20000       
Mon    07 Nov 2016    09:35:48 EST    07 Nov 2016    09:36:11 EST   2021   Kimberly Paz   RINGNOANSWER   20000       
Mon    07 Nov 2016    09:39:15 EST    07 Nov 2016    09:39:40 EST   2041   Djamila Millien   RINGNOANSWER   20000       
Mon    07 Nov 2016    10:17:11 EST    07 Nov 2016    10:17:41 EST   2081   Deidra Wright   RINGNOANSWER   20000

sheet two - exitwithtimeout event:

Day   Start Date   Start Time   End Date   End Time   Queue   Issue                             
  Mon    07 Nov 2016    09:12:48 EST   07 Nov 2016    09:13:41 EST   2041   EXITWITHTIMEOUT   30       
  Mon    07 Nov 2016    09:16:42 EST   07 Nov 2016    09:17:41 EST   2081   EXITWITHTIMEOUT   30       
  Mon    07 Nov 2016    09:39:15 EST   07 Nov 2016    09:40:11 EST   2041   EXITWITHTIMEOUT   30       
  Mon    07 Nov 2016    10:17:11 EST   07 Nov 2016    10:17:41 EST   2081   EXITWITHTIMEOUT   30   

I need to check column (start time) in both sheets. If there is match, I need to have output like this:

RNA Queue   RNA Operator   RNA WaitTime       
2041   Djamila Millien   20000      
2041   Djamila Millien   20000       
2081   Deidra Wright   20000   

Currently I have this script that I'm using to generate excel file in SLES

use strict;
use warnings;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Formula;
use Excel::Template;
use Text::CSV_XS;

my $name = 'call_report.xls';
my $file_ring = "/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/ringnoanswer_strip.log";
my $file_exitempty = "/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitempty_strip.log";
my $file_exitempty_of = "/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitempty-of_strip.log";
my $file_exittimeout = "/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitwithtimeout_strip.log";
my $file_exittimeout_of = "/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitwithtimeout-of_strip.log";

my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/$name");

my $ringnoanswer = $workbook->addworksheet("RingNoAnswer");
my $exitempty = $workbook->addworksheet("ExitEmpty"); 
my $exitempty_of = $workbook->addworksheet("ExitEmpty-OF");
my $exitwithtimeout = $workbook->addworksheet("ExitWithTimeout");
my $exitwithtimeout_of = $workbook->addworksheet("ExitWithTimeout-OF");
my $calc = $workbook->addworksheet("Calc");

my @array_ring   =   ( 'Day','Start Date','Start Time', 'End Date','End Time', 'Queue', 'Operator', 'Issue', 'WaitTime' );
my @array_exittimeout   =   ( 'Day','Start Date','Start Time', 'End Date','End Time', 'Queue', 'Issue', '' );
my @array_exittimeout_of   =   ( 'Day','Start Date','Start Time', 'End Date','End Time', 'Queue', 'Issue', '' );
my @array_exitempty   =   ( 'Day','Start Date','Start Time', 'End Date','End Time', 'Queue', 'Issue' );
my @array_exitempty_of   =   ( 'Day','Start Date', 'Start Time', 'End Date', 'End Time', 'Queue', 'Issue' );
my @calc = ('RNA Queue','RNA Operator','RNA WaitTime', '', 'RNA Operator', 'Count');

my %cf = (
  font => 'Arial',
  border => 1,
  border_color => 'black'

my %bold = (
  bold => 1

my %ch = (
  align => 'center',
  valign => 'center',
  font => 'Arial',
  size => 11,
  border => 1, 
  border_color => 'black',
  bg_color => 'yellow'

my $ch = $workbook->addformat(%ch, %bold); # header
my $cn = $workbook->addformat(%cf, size => 10); # normal text
my $cs = $workbook->addformat(%cf, size => 8); # small text


set_columns($ringnoanswer, "A",
  [5, 16, 13, 16, 13, 45, 15, 15, 12],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

set_columns($exitempty, "A",
  [5, 16, 13, 16, 13, 45, 13],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

set_columns($exitempty_of, "A",
  [5, 16, 13, 16, 13, 25, 13],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

set_columns($exitwithtimeout, "A",
  [5, 16, 13, 16, 13, 45, 20, 3],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

set_columns($exitwithtimeout_of, "A",
  [5, 16, 13, 16, 13, 45, 20, 3],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

set_columns($calc, "A",
  [15, 25, 20, 40, 25, 5],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

$ringnoanswer->write('A1', [ @array_ring ], $ch);
$exitempty->write('A1', [ @array_exitempty ], $ch);
$exitempty_of->write('A1', [ @array_exitempty_of ], $ch);
$exitwithtimeout->write('A1', [ @array_exittimeout ], $ch);
$exitwithtimeout_of->write('A1', [ @array_exittimeout ], $ch);

$calc->write('A1', [ @calc ], $ch);
$calc->write('A3', 1.2345);
$calc->write('A4', '=SIN(PI()/4)');
$calc->write('C2',  'internal:ringnoanswer!B1');
$calc->write('D5', '=SUM(1, 2, 3)'); # Okay

$calc->write('D6', 1, '=SUM(1, 2, 3)');

write_from_log($ringnoanswer, $file_ring);
write_from_log($exitempty, $file_exitempty);
write_from_log($exitempty_of, $file_exitempty_of);
write_from_log($exitwithtimeout, $file_exittimeout);
write_from_log($exitwithtimeout_of, $file_exittimeout_of);

$ringnoanswer->activate(); # I'd like the second worksheet to be active

$workbook->close();  # play nice


sub print_setup {
  my $exitempty = shift;
  $exitempty->set_footer('&L&D&R&P of &N', 0.17);

sub set_columns {
  my ($ws, $col, $width, $format, $hidden) = @_;
  for (my $i=0; $i < @$width; $i++) {
    my $column = "$col:$col";
    $ws->set_column($column, $$width[$i], $$format[$i], $$hidden[$i]);

sub write_from_log {
  my ($worksheet, $file) = @_;
  my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({
     'quote_char'  => '', # what?  no quote character?  you got it!
     'escape_char' => '\\', # a backslash
     'sep_char'    => '|',
     'binary'      => 0

  my $row = 1;
  open (CSVFILE, "<", $file) || die "Unable to open $file for reading: $!, stopped";
  while (<CSVFILE>) {
    if ($csv->parse($_)) {
        my @Fld = $csv->fields;
        my $col = 0;
        my $keep = 1;
         if ($keep) {
           foreach my $token (@Fld) {
            if ($token =~ /^<img/) {
              $token =~ /<img src="(.*)" loc="(.*)">/i;
              my ($img, $loc) = ($1, $2);
              $worksheet->insert_bitmap($loc, $img);
            } else {
              $worksheet->write($row, $col, $token);
        $row++ if ($keep);
    } else {
      my $err = $csv->error_input;
      print "Text::CSV_XS parse() failed on argument: ", $err, "\n";

Those are not .csv - files. Howsoever, try

awk '
NR == FNR               {T[$2,$3,$4,$5]
FNR == 1                {print "RNA Queue   RNA Operator   RNA WaitTime"

($2,$3,$4,$5) in T      {print $12, $13, $14, $16
' file2 file1
RNA Queue   RNA Operator   RNA WaitTime
2041 Djamila Millien 20000
2041 Djamila Millien 20000
2081 Deidra Wright 20000
1 Like

This works very well.
How I can make it write output if there is RingNoAnswer between Start-End time of ExitWithTimeout?

Like this:

17 Nov 2016,10:06:07 EST,17 Nov 2016,10:06:59 EST,2031,EXITWITHTIMEOUT,30


17 Nov 2016,10:05:53 EST,17 Nov 2016,10:06:29 EST,2021,Traci Dingman,RINGNOANSWER,20000


2021    Traci Dingman    20000

This is way more complex as it would require a full blown date time handling. Some awk versions offer functions for this, mine doesn't. You might be luckier with yours.

it it possible to use unix time?


Perl modules could be used to perform date arithmetic/comparison.
Here's a possible solution.

$ cat exitwithtimeout.txt
Day,Start Date,Start Time,End Date,End Time,Queue,Issue
Mon,07 Nov 2016,09:12:48 EST,07 Nov 2016,09:13:41 EST,2041,EXITWITHTIMEOUT,30
Mon,07 Nov 2016,09:16:42 EST,07 Nov 2016,09:17:41 EST,2081,EXITWITHTIMEOUT,30
Mon,07 Nov 2016,09:39:15 EST,07 Nov 2016,09:40:11 EST,2041,EXITWITHTIMEOUT,30
Mon,07 Nov 2016,10:17:11 EST,07 Nov 2016,10:17:41 EST,2081,EXITWITHTIMEOUT,30
Thu,17 Nov 2016,10:06:07 EST,17 Nov 2016,10:06:59 EST,2031,EXITWITHTIMEOUT,30
$ cat ringnoanswer.txt 
Day,Start Date,Start Time,End Date,End Time,Queue,Operator,Issue,WaitTime
Mon,07 Nov 2016,09:12:48 EST,07 Nov 2016,09:13:10 EST,2041,Djamila Millien,RINGNOANSWER,20000
Mon,07 Nov 2016,09:32:19 EST,07 Nov 2016,09:32:41 EST,2041,Djamila Millien,RINGNOANSWER,20000
Mon,07 Nov 2016,09:35:48 EST,07 Nov 2016,09:36:11 EST,2021,Kimberly Paz,RINGNOANSWER,20000
Mon,07 Nov 2016,09:39:15 EST,07 Nov 2016,09:39:40 EST,2041,Djamila Millien,RINGNOANSWER,20000
Mon,07 Nov 2016,10:17:11 EST,07 Nov 2016,10:17:41 EST,2081,Deidra Wright,RINGNOANSWER,20000
Thu,17 Nov 2016,10:05:53 EST,17 Nov 2016,10:06:29 EST,2021,Traci Dingman,RINGNOANSWER,20000
$ cat -n 
     1	#!/usr/bin/perl -w
     2	use strict;
     3	use DateTime;
     5	my %mth = qw(Jan 1 Feb 2 Mar 3 Apr 4 May 5 Jun 6
     6	             Jul 7 Aug 8 Sep 9 Oct 10 Nov 11 Dec 12);
     7	my (@ewt_arr, @token, @sdt, @sts, @edt, @ets);
     8	my $ewt_file = $ARGV[0];
     9	my $rna_file = $ARGV[1];
    11	# Read the exitwithtimeout file, parse and store the start and
    12	# end datetimes in the ewt_arr array.
    13	open(FH, "<", $ewt_file) or die "Can't open $ewt_file : $!";
    14	while (<FH>) {
    15	    next if $. == 1;
    16	    chomp(@token = split(/,/, $_));
    17	    @sdt = split(/ /, $token[1]);
    18	    $sdt[1] = $mth{$sdt[1]};
    19	    @sts = split(/[: ]/, $token[2]);
    21	    @edt = split(/ /, $token[3]);
    22	    $edt[1] = $mth{$edt[1]};
    23	    @ets = split(/[: ]/, $token[4]);
    25	    push (@ewt_arr, [    DateTime->new(
    26	                             year => $sdt[2],
    27	                             month => $sdt[1],
    28	                             day => $sdt[0],
    29	                             hour => $sts[0],
    30	                             minute => $sts[1],
    31	                             second => $sts[2]
    32	                         ),
    33	                         DateTime->new(
    34	                             year => $edt[2],
    35	                             month => $edt[1],
    36	                             day => $edt[0],
    37	                             hour => $ets[0],
    38	                             minute => $ets[1],
    39	                             second => $ets[2]
    40	                         )
    41	                    ]);
    43	}
    44	close(FH) or die "Can't close $ewt_file : $!";
    46	# Read the ringnoanswer file, capture the start and end datetimes
    47	# and compare with each element of ewt_arr array. If there is an
    48	# overlap, then print Queue, Operator and WaitTime values.
    49	printf("%-10s %-20s %s\n", "RNA Queue","RNA Operator","RNA WaitTime");
    50	open(FH, "<", $rna_file) or die "Can't open $rna_file : $!";
    51	while (<FH>) {
    52	    next if $. == 1;
    53	    chomp(@token = split(/,/, $_));
    54	    @sdt = split(/ /, $token[1]);
    55	    $sdt[1] = $mth{$sdt[1]};
    56	    @sts = split(/[: ]/, $token[2]);
    58	    @edt = split(/ /, $token[3]);
    59	    $edt[1] = $mth{$edt[1]};
    60	    @ets = split(/[: ]/, $token[4]);
    62	    my $sdate = DateTime->new(
    63	                    year => $sdt[2],
    64	                    month => $sdt[1],
    65	                    day => $sdt[0],
    66	                    hour => $sts[0],
    67	                    minute => $sts[1],
    68	                    second => $sts[2]
    69	                );
    70	    my $edate = DateTime->new(
    71	                    year => $edt[2],
    72	                    month => $edt[1],
    73	                    day => $edt[0],
    74	                    hour => $ets[0],
    75	                    minute => $ets[1],
    76	                    second => $ets[2]
    77	                );
    78	    foreach my $item (@ewt_arr) {
    79	        if ( DateTime->compare($edate, $item->[0]) >= 0 and
    80	             DateTime->compare($sdate, $item->[1]) <= 0 ) {
    81	            printf("%-10s %-20s %s\n", $token[5], $token[6], $token[8]);
    82	        }
    83	    }
    84	}
    85	close(FH) or die "Can't close $rna_file $!";
$ perl exitwithtimeout.txt ringnoanswer.txt
RNA Queue  RNA Operator         RNA WaitTime
2041       Djamila Millien      20000
2041       Djamila Millien      20000
2081       Deidra Wright        20000
2021       Traci Dingman        20000

I should've added script comments for lines 79 and 80.
Basically, if we have two date intervals like so:

[sd1, ed1] ==> date interval with start date sd1 and end date ed1
[sd2, ed2] ==> date interval with start date sd2 and end date ed2

then an "overlap" occurs if the following condition is true:

ed2 >= sd1 and sd2 <= ed1

I capture [sd2, ed2] in each line of ringnoanswer.txt and compare that interval with
the one stored in ewt_arr array. Each element of ewt_arr is an array reference with the
first element being sd1 and the second element being ed1.

1 Like

Maybe I can use these:


1479586178|1479586148.136659|2081|Mary Ellen Buckley|RINGNOANSWER|5000
1479587070|1479587055.136842|2011|Nashid Ali|RINGNOANSWER|14000
1479587073|1479587055.136842|2011|Mary Ellen Buckley|RINGNOANSWER|17000
1479587086|1479587055.136842|2011|Nashid Ali|RINGNOANSWER|8000
1479587717|1479587697.136936|2021|Traci Dingman|RINGNOANSWER|20000

OK, that should be much easier. How come the start time is later than the end time in all cases above? And, which time (start or end) of

should be considered?

1 Like

Let's assume $1 is the epoch time to be considered - try

awk -F"|" '
NR == FNR       {EN[$1] = $2

BEGIN   {print "RNA Queue   RNA Operator   RNA WaitTime"

        {for (e in EN) if ($1 <= e && $1 >= EN[e]) print $3, $4, $6
' file2 file1
RNA Queue   RNA Operator   RNA WaitTime
2081 Mary Ellen Buckley 5000
2011 Nashid Ali 14000
2011 Mary Ellen Buckley 17000
2011 Nashid Ali 8000
1 Like

Hi all,
I'd like to thank RudiC, and durden_tyler for help. I'm wondering how to improve those scripts, also how to add formulas in perl script...

  1. Daily reports script:

mysql -u select -D zabbix -e "select clock,value from history_log where itemid=25152;" | 
        grep -v -e endpoint -e ADDMEMBER -e REMOVEMEMBER -e '|020' |  
        grep EXITWITHTIMEOUT > "/tmp/exitwithtimeout.txt"

mysql -u select -D zabbix -e "select clock,value from history_log where itemid=25152;" |
        grep -v -e endpoint -e ADDMEMBER -e REMOVEMEMBER -e '|20[0-9]' -e '|100' -e '|300' -e '|400' |
        grep EXITWITHTIMEOUT  > "/tmp/exitwithtimeout-of.txt"

mysql -u select -D zabbix -e "select clock,value from history_log where itemid=25143;" |
        grep -v -e endpoint -e ADDMEMBER -e REMOVEMEMBER |
        grep RINGNOANSWER > "/tmp/ringnoanswer.txt"

mysql -u select -D zabbix -e "select clock,value from history_log where itemid=25161;" |
        grep -v -e endpoint -e ADDMEMBER -e REMOVEMEMBER -e '|020' |
        grep EXITEMPTY > "/tmp/exitempty.txt"

mysql -u select -D zabbix -e "select clock,value from history_log where itemid=25161;" |
        grep -v -e endpoint -e ADDMEMBER -e REMOVEMEMBER -e '|20[0-9]' -e '|100' -e '|300' -e '|400' |
        grep EXITEMPTY  > "/tmp/exitempty-of.txt"

sleep 2

cat /tmp/exitwithtimeout.txt | 
awk -F '[|]'  'BEGIN {OFS="|"} {print strftime("%a| %d %b %Y| %H:%M:%S %Z|",$2) strftime("%d %b %Y| %H:%M:%S %Z|",$1) $3,$5,$8; }'  > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitwithtimeout.log

cat /tmp/exitwithtimeout-of.txt | 
awk -F '[|]'  'BEGIN {OFS="|"} {print strftime("%a| %d %b %Y| %H:%M:%S %Z|",$2) strftime("%d %b %Y| %H:%M:%S %Z|",$1) $3,$5,$8; }' > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitwithtimeout-of.log

cat /tmp/ringnoanswer.txt | 
awk -F '[|]'  'BEGIN {OFS="|" } {print strftime("%a| %d %b %Y| %H:%M:%S %Z|",$2) strftime(" %d %b %Y| %H:%M:%S %Z|",$1) $3,$4,$5,$6;'} | 
awk -F '[|]' -v x=14000 '$9 > x' > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/ringnoanswer.log

cat /tmp/exitempty.txt | 
awk -F '[|]'  'BEGIN {OFS="|"} { print strftime("%a| %d %b %Y| %H:%M:%S %Z|",$2) strftime("%d %b %Y| %H:%M:%S %Z|",$1) $3,$5; }' > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitempty.log

cat /tmp/exitempty-of.txt | 
awk -F '[|]'  'BEGIN {OFS="|"} { print strftime("%a| %d %b %Y| %H:%M:%S %Z|",$2) strftime("%d %b %Y| %H:%M:%S %Z|",$1) $3,$5; }' > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitempty-of.log
  1. RNA script:
f1=`tail -n 400 /tmp/exitwithtimeout.txt | awk -F '[|\t]'  'BEGIN {OFS="|"} { print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7 }' > /tmp/exitwithtimeout_100lines.txt`;
f2=`tail -n 400 /tmp/ringnoanswer.txt | awk -F '[|\t]'  'BEGIN {OFS="|"} { print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7  }' > /tmp/ringnoanswer_100lines.txt`;


awk -F"|" '
NR == FNR       {EN[$1] = $2

BEGIN   {OFS="|"}
        {for (e in EN) if ($1 <= e && $1 >= EN[e]) print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7
' $file2 $file1 >  /tmp/rna.log

cat /tmp/rna.log | awk -F '[|]'  'BEGIN {OFS="|" } {print strftime(" %d %b %Y| %H:%M:%S %Z|",$1) $2,$3,$4,$5,$6;'} | 
awk -F '[|]' -v x=14000 '$6 > x' | 
sort -u   > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/rna.log

  1. Strip data + name add script:

cat /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/ringnoanswer.log |
        grep "$(date --date '-1 days' +'%d %b')" | 
        sed 's/|1001|/|1001-Name1|/g;
        s/|04001|/|04001-Name4|/g' > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/ringnoanswer_strip.log

cat /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitempty.log |
        grep "$(date --date '-1 days' +'%d %b')"|
        sed 's/|1001|/|1001-Name1|/g;
        s/|04001|/|04001-Name4|/g' > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitempty_strip.log

cat /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitempty-of.log |
        grep "$(date --date '-1 days' +'%d %b')" | 
        sed 's/|1001|/|1001-Name1|/g;
        s/|04001|/|04001-Name4|/g' > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitempty-of_strip.log

cat /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitwithtimeout.log |
        grep "$(date --date '-1 days' +'%d %b')" | 
        sed 's/|1001|/|1001-Name1|/g;
        s/|04001|/|04001-Name4|/g' > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitwithtimeout_strip.log

cat /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitwithtimeout-of.log |
        grep "$(date --date '-1 days' +'%d %b')" |
        sed 's/|1001|/|1001-Name1|/g;
        s/|04001|/|04001-Name4|/g' > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitwithtimeout-of_strip.log

cat /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/rna.log |
        grep "$(date --date '-1 days' +'%d %b')" |
        sed 's/|1001|/|1001-Name1|/g;
        s/|04001|/|04001-Name4|/g' > /var/log/asterisk_agents_log/rna_strip.log

  1. Excel script
use strict;
use warnings;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Formula;
use Excel::Template;
use Text::CSV_XS;

my $name = 'call_report.xls';

# other files we are reading
my $file_ring = "/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/ringnoanswer_strip.log";
my $file_exitempty = "/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitempty_strip.log";
my $file_exitempty_of = "/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitempty-of_strip.log";
my $file_exittimeout = "/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitwithtimeout_strip.log";
my $file_exittimeout_of = "/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/exitwithtimeout-of_strip.log";
my $file_rna = "/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/rna_strip.log";

my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("/var/log/asterisk_agents_log/$name");

# worksheets
my $ringnoanswer = $workbook->addworksheet("RingNoAnswer");
my $exitempty = $workbook->addworksheet("ExitEmpty"); 
my $exitempty_of = $workbook->addworksheet("ExitEmpty-OF");
my $exitwithtimeout = $workbook->addworksheet("ExitWithTimeout");
my $exitwithtimeout_of = $workbook->addworksheet("ExitWithTimeout-OF");
my $rna = $workbook->addworksheet("RNA");

my @array_ring   =   ( 'Day','Start Date','Start Time', 'End Date','End Time', 'Queue', 'Operator', 'Issue', 'WaitTime' );
my @array_exittimeout   =   ( 'Day','Start Date','Start Time', 'End Date','End Time', 'Queue', 'Issue', '' );
my @array_exittimeout_of   =   ( 'Day','Start Date','Start Time', 'End Date','End Time', 'Queue', 'Issue', '' );
my @array_exitempty   =   ( 'Day','Start Date','Start Time', 'End Date','End Time', 'Queue', 'Issue' );
my @array_exitempty_of   =   ( 'Day','Start Date', 'Start Time', 'End Date', 'End Time', 'Queue', 'Issue' );
my @array_rna = ('Date', 'Time', 'Queue', 'RNA Operator', 'RNA Event', 'RNA WaitTime', '', 'RNA Operator', 'Count');

my %cf = (
  font => 'Arial',
  border => 1,
  border_color => 'black'

my %bold = (
  bold => 1

my %ch = (
  align => 'center',
  valign => 'center',
  font => 'Arial',
  size => 11,
  border => 1, 
  border_color => 'black',
  bg_color => 'yellow'

my $ch = $workbook->addformat(%ch, %bold); # header
my $cn = $workbook->addformat(%cf, size => 10); # normal text
my $cs = $workbook->addformat(%cf, size => 8); # small text


set_columns($ringnoanswer, "A",
  [8, 16, 13, 16, 13, 45, 15, 15, 12],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

set_columns($exitempty, "A",
  [8, 16, 13, 16, 13, 45, 13],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

set_columns($exitempty_of, "A",
  [8, 16, 13, 16, 13, 25, 13],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

set_columns($exitwithtimeout, "A",
  [8, 16, 13, 16, 13, 45, 20, 3],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

set_columns($exitwithtimeout_of, "A",
  [8, 16, 13, 16, 13, 45, 20, 3],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

set_columns($rna, "A",
  [15, 15, 45, 20, 15, 15, ,50, 25, 5],
  [$cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn, $cn]);

$ringnoanswer->write('A1', [ @array_ring ], $ch);
$exitempty->write('A1', [ @array_exitempty ], $ch);
$exitempty_of->write('A1', [ @array_exitempty_of ], $ch);
$exitwithtimeout->write('A1', [ @array_exittimeout ], $ch);
$exitwithtimeout_of->write('A1', [ @array_exittimeout ], $ch);
$rna->write('A1', [ @array_rna ], $ch);

# I'm trying to use formula for those columns below. Unfortunately not working

#$rna->write_formula('H2', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H1, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H3', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H2, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H4', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H3, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H5', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H4, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H6', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H5, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H7', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H6, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H8', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H7, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H9', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H8, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H10', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H9, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H11', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H10, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H12', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H11, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H13', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H12, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H14', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H13, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H15', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H14, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H16', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H15, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H17', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H16, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H18', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H17, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H19', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H18, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');
#$rna->write_string('H20', '=IFERROR(INDEX($D$3:$D$150, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($D$3:$D$150),1,COUNTIF($H$1:H19, $D$3:$D$150)), 0)),"")');

#$rna->write_string('I2', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H2)');
#$rna->write_string('I3', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H3)');
#$rna->write_string('I4', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H4)');
#$rna->write_string('I5', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H5)');
#$rna->write_string('I6', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H6)');
#$rna->write_string('I7', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H7)');
#$rna->write_string('I8', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H8)');
#$rna->write_string('I9', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H9)');
#$rna->write_string('I10', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H10)');
#$rna->write_string('I11', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H11)');
#$rna->write_string('I12', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H12)');
#$rna->write_string('I13', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H13)');
#$rna->write_string('I14', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H14)');
#$rna->write_string('I15', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H15)');
#$rna->write_string('I16', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H16)');
#$rna->write_string('I17', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H17)');
#$rna->write_string('I18', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H18)');
#$rna->write_string('I19', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H19)');
#$rna->write_string('I20', '=COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$150,$H20)');

write_from_log($ringnoanswer, $file_ring);
write_from_log($exitempty, $file_exitempty);
write_from_log($exitempty_of, $file_exitempty_of);
write_from_log($exitwithtimeout, $file_exittimeout);
write_from_log($exitwithtimeout_of, $file_exittimeout_of);
write_from_log($rna, $file_rna);




sub print_setup {
  my $exitempty = shift;
  $exitempty->set_footer('&L&D&R&P of &N', 0.17);

sub set_columns {
  my ($ws, $col, $width, $format, $hidden) = @_;
  for (my $i=0; $i < @$width; $i++) {
    my $column = "$col:$col";
    $ws->set_column($column, $$width[$i], $$format[$i], $$hidden[$i]);

sub write_from_log {
  my ($worksheet, $file) = @_;

  # Create a new CSV parsing ojbect with the CSV options that I needed
  my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({
     'quote_char'  => '', # what?  no quote character?  you got it!
     'escape_char' => '\\', # a backslash
     'sep_char'    => '|',
     'binary'      => 0

  # Row and column are zero indexed!
  my $row = 1;
  open (CSVFILE, "<", $file) || die "Unable to open $file for reading: $!, stopped";
  while (<CSVFILE>) {
    if ($csv->parse($_)) {
        my @Fld = $csv->fields;
        my $col = 0;
        my $keep = 1;
         if ($keep) {
           foreach my $token (@Fld) {
            if ($token =~ /^<img/) {
              $token =~ /<img src="(.*)" loc="(.*)">/i;
              my ($img, $loc) = ($1, $2);
              $worksheet->insert_bitmap($loc, $img);
            } else {
              $worksheet->write($row, $col, $token);
        $row++ if ($keep);
    } else {
      my $err = $csv->error_input;
      print "Text::CSV_XS parse() failed on argument: ", $err, "\n";
  • outputs: (mysql query)


1480420104      1480420084|1480420054.441|2082|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480420886      1480420859|1480420829.500|2051|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480422627      1480422601|1480422571.690|2051|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480422988      1480422985|1480422954.728|2081|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480429716      1480429713|1480429683.2041|2051|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480431067      1480431051|1480430991.2388|2061|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|60
1480431667      1480431649|1480431619.2528|2051|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480432387      1480432358|1480432328.2700|2041|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480432598      1480432571|1480432510.2761|2021|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|60
1480432748      1480432749|1480432718.2794|2071|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480432899      1480432875|1480432845.2830|2031|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480432899      1480432875|1480432845.2829|2041|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480432929      1480432920|1480432859.2839|2021|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|60
1480432959      1480432935|1480432905.2858|2041|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480433020      1480433005|1480432975.2876|2031|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480433170      1480433152|1480433092.2895|2021|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|60
1480433620      1480433595|1480433565.3025|2051|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30
1480434253      1480434224|1480434193.3245|2071|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|30


1472176907      1472176891|1472176889.350477|02071|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|1
1472179642      1472179635|1472179625.350873|02041|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472211002      1472210984|1472210973.352670|02031|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472211391      1472211363|1472211353.352721|02031|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472212203      1472212199|1472212188.352837|02031|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472214965      1472214963|1472214962.353192|02071|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|1
1472214995      1472214979|1472214977.353196|02071|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|1
1472216170      1472216166|1472216156.353389|02031|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472216889      1472216880|1472216870.353537|02041|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472217940      1472217933|1472217922.353742|02051|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472218029      1472218023|1472218013.353763|02051|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472218690      1472218686|1472218676.353889|02031|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472218720      1472218693|1472218683.353896|02031|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|2|10
1472218929      1472218915|1472218905.353952|02051|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472219020      1472219007|1472218996.353991|02051|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472219140      1472219112|1472219101.354026|02041|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472219321      1472219297|1472219287.354093|02041|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472219501      1472219472|1472219462.354161|02031|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472219801      1472219787|1472219776.354239|02051|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472219861      1472219848|1472219837.354255|02041|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472219951      1472219926|1472219916.354280|02031|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472220281      1472220266|1472220256.354356|02051|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472220520      1472220520|1472220510.354426|02041|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1472220550      1472220550|1472220540.354433|02041|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|10
1474204951      1474204937|1474204862.28350|1011|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|70
1474559430      1474559430|1474559335.41591|1011|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1|1|70


1480414158      1480414145|1480414124.129|2001|Tennille Rivas|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480420886      1480420859|1480420829.500|2051|Traci Dingman|RINGNOANSWER|8000
1480422025      1480422017|1480421997.639|2021|Traci Dingman|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480422988      1480422975|1480422954.728|2081|Tennille Rivas|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480422988      1480422985|1480422954.728|2081|Nikita Hill|RINGNOANSWER|5000
1480426230      1480426229|1480426209.1197|2001|Nikita Hill|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480427673      1480427654|1480427633.1569|2051|Traci Dingman|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480428212      1480428208|1480428187.1686|2001|Tennille Rivas|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480429716      1480429703|1480429683.2041|2051|Traci Dingman|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480429716      1480429713|1480429683.2041|2051|Traci Dingman|RINGNOANSWER|5000
1480430796      1480430779|1480430758.2301|2021|Traci Dingman|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480431667      1480431639|1480431619.2528|2051|Traci Dingman|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480431667      1480431649|1480431619.2528|2051|Conrad Arizaga|RINGNOANSWER|4000
1480432358      1480432348|1480432328.2700|2041|Traci Dingman|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480432358      1480432352|1480432345.2705|2081|Djamila Millien|RINGNOANSWER|7000
1480432387      1480432367|1480432355.2715|2011|Djamila Millien|RINGNOANSWER|6000
1480433109      1480433086|1480433068.2884|2011|Nikita Hill|RINGNOANSWER|17000
1480434253      1480434224|1480434193.3245|2071|Traci Dingman|RINGNOANSWER|25000
1480434793      1480434772|1480434747.3425|2061|Nikita Hill|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480435995      1480435979|1480435954.3826|2061|Djamila Millien|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480436145      1480436140|1480436120.3891|2081|Djamila Millien|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480436325      1480436317|1480436297.3951|2021|Irvlyne Mellon|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480436354      1480436330|1480436310.3959|2081|Djamila Millien|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480436354      1480436340|1480436310.3959|2081|Nikita Hill|RINGNOANSWER|5000
1480436384      1480436362|1480436335.3976|2011|Nikita Hill|RINGNOANSWER|17000
1480436415      1480436411|1480436380.4001|2071|Irvlyne Mellon|RINGNOANSWER|30000
1480437616      1480437599|1480437579.4382|2041|Irvlyne Mellon|RINGNOANSWER|20000
1480438186      1480438173|1480438153.4598|2061|Emily Jackson|RINGNOANSWER|20000


1480362658      1480362639|1480362639.237190|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480362658      1480362639|1480362639.237190|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363018      1480362991|1480362991.237286|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363018      1480362991|1480362991.237286|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363108      1480363083|1480363083.237332|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363108      1480363083|1480363083.237332|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363138      1480363123|1480363123.237345|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363138      1480363123|1480363123.237345|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363318      1480363309|1480363309.237391|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363318      1480363309|1480363309.237391|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363738      1480363710|1480363709.237483|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363738      1480363710|1480363709.237483|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363738      1480363720|1480363720.237487|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363738      1480363720|1480363720.237487|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363859      1480363842|1480363842.237499|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480363859      1480363842|1480363842.237499|2091|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480384732      1480384717|1480384717.241597|2011|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480384732      1480384717|1480384717.241597|2011|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480384762      1480384752|1480384752.241605|2061|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480384762      1480384752|1480384752.241605|2061|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0


1480436985      1480436971|1480436970.4198|02041|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480436985      1480436971|1480436970.4198|02041|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480437406      1480437389|1480437389.4323|02021|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480437406      1480437389|1480437389.4323|02021|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480437406      1480437402|1480437402.4335|02082|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480437406      1480437402|1480437402.4335|02082|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438155      1480438149|1480438149.4588|02051|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438155      1480438149|1480438149.4588|02051|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438155      1480438153|1480438152.4594|02041|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438155      1480438153|1480438152.4594|02041|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438186      1480438178|1480438178.4602|02051|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438186      1480438178|1480438178.4602|02051|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438305      1480438279|1480438279.4628|02041|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438305      1480438279|1480438279.4628|02041|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438366      1480438357|1480438357.4662|02021|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438366      1480438357|1480438357.4662|02021|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438366      1480438358|1480438358.4666|02021|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0
1480438366      1480438358|1480438358.4666|02021|NONE|EXITEMPTY|1|1|0