Script Shell how's converting .html files

Hello everybody, :slight_smile:

I need some help with a school project that I have to create for the next week. :eek:

So first, the aim of the Script is that I have a WebSite with a lot of .html / .shtml / .js / .css in one directory. That directory have few directory too but that's not so important, they have .css .js files too.

I'm explaining what the script need to do :

  1. Copy all inclusions from .shtml files to .html files

In each .html file, there is a comment line like this :

<!--#include virtual="SSI_include/DeclarationHTML_de.shtml" -->
<!--#include virtual="SSI_include/Header.shtml" -->
<!--#include virtual="SSI_include/DeclarationHTML.shtml" -->

When a file have a


I need to copy (by exemple for the first one) the body of the DeclarationHTML_de.shtml in the .html. The body of the DeclarationHTML_de.shtml will replace the comment line !

  1. Delete all comments from .html / .css and .js files
    Comments for the .html are <!-- blablabla --> They start with <!-- and end with -->
    Comments for the .js and .css are like /* blabla / They start with / and finish with */

  2. Change all files .shtml to .html

  3. Create a new folder where I will put all files that I'v changed

  4. Verify if the website working (open a .html file in a Firefox page)

I never had before make some Shell script, what I know is that I need to make the workschool in Shell and use Sed (and others basic stuff). :confused:

I need some help for my work and some explainations ! :b:

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