Script Shell: Diplay date of two minutes (period)

Hi all,

Here is my script:

     while :; 
        sleep 1    

Please, how can i change this script, i'd like to display the time only of two minutes (period) and exit ? Is that possible ?

Thank you so much for help.
Bests regards.

You'd like your script to run for 2 minutes during which you display date and time each second? One way to solve this is starting a background process that sleeps for 2 minutes and check for its existance:

sleep 120 &
while ps -p $SLEEPER_PID >/dev/null; do
   sleep 1

Edit: on a very busy system there may be a problem that during the 1 second of sleep another process with the same PID as your sleeper was started after the sleeper finished, so use this method with caution. A saver way would be to create a file and delete it after 2 minutes.

touch $F
( sleep 120 ; rm $F ) &
while [ -f $F ]; do
   sleep 1

If i understand that you want:

 i=0;while : ;do sleep 1;i=$((i+1));date;if [ $i == 120 ];then break;fi;done

Why not

i=120; while ((i--)); do sleep 1; date; done
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