script script to kill a process

I need a shell script that takes the process name as an argument and kills the process.

the process name is avilable in the long listing of the process.../usr/ucb/ps.

this is urgent...pls. help

I dont think to kill a process you need a script.

This can be done using kill command.

try man pkill

  pgrep, pkill - find or signal processes by  name  and  other


something like this u can try
for i in -- get the process name as specific to ur requirement
kill ps -ef | grep "$i" | awk 'NR!=1 '{ print $2}'


for i in `/usr/ucb/ps -wwaux | grep $1 | grep -v grep |awk '{print $2}'`
echo $i
#kill -9 $i

When I run this I get two different PIDs, one for 116694 and 17002. this happens when i run the command as

$/usr/ucb/ps -wwwaux | grep myServices-Primary
tradmin 16694 0.0 1.4443536220216 ? S 12:41:05 2:18 /opt/barc/bin/engine --pid --run /opt/barc/domain/SOAMP_NTA_DEV//myServices-Primary/myServices-Primary.xyc --innerProcess

$./mytest myservice-primary

I couldnt still manage to still kill the I only wnat to kill this process.

You are picking up the parameter in the command line to the shell script "mytest".
It is rarely necessary to issue "kill -9", depends on your application.
If we use a "while" instead of "for", the script will be more robust if there are no matches.


/usr/ucb/ps -wwaux | grep "$1" | grep -v "grep" | grep -v "mytest" |awk '{print $2}' | while read i
     echo "$i"
     #kill -9 "$i"

Is there a way to spot on the process that is only running and list its PID with out printing the current shell's PID ?

In my case I use:
kill -9 `ps -ef |grep 'argument/unique/in/the/process/Iwanna/kill' |grep -v 'grep' |awk '{print$2}'`

Where first it gets the process (grep 'blablabla'), then it filter this process from the grep process you started (grep -v 'grep'), then it gets you only the PID field (awk '{print$2}') and finally kills this process.

You can do it with a script also, for example:
terminate=`ps -ef |grep 'argument/unique/in/the/process/Iwanna/kill' |grep -v 'grep' |awk '{print$2}'`
kill -9 $terminate
#And in case you wanna restard this same process:
argument/unique/in/the/process/Iwanna/kill &

Hope I was of help.