script not working from crontab, executes individual

This script is working successfully when i executed from shell prompt, but the same script scheduled in crontab its not deleting the files,

#! /bin/bash
DAY_1=`(date --date='4 months ago' '+%Y-%m')`
export DAY_1
echo "Cleaning trace files start " > $log
date >>$log
echo $DAY_1 >>$log
cd $adir
ls -l | grep -i $DAY_1 | awk '{ print $8}'| xargs rm -f
cd $udir
ls -l |grep -i $DAY_1 | awk '{print $8}'| xargs rm -f
cd $bdir
ls -l |grep -i $DAY_1 | awk '{print $8}'| xargs rm -f
echo "Finished " >>$log

i am trying to remove files 4 months ago which would be in huge number(500000 approx. files). if run
$ . remtrc ( it successfully removes files)
crontab (example)
10 00 1 * * * /home/oracle/remtrc > /tmp/cleantrc.log
but from crontab it not able to remove files.
what i am missing in the script.

what about permissions?
it is better in crontab to specify the user who gotta do the job:

10 00 1 * * * root /home/oracle/remtrc > /tmp/cleantrc.log


in cron log file there was no messages displayed, i have other scripts that run, is this because i use 'ls -l ', 'cd' command.

Well, you need to handle the output stream that goes to stderr:

10 00 1 * * * /home/oracle/remtrc > /tmp/cleantrc.log 2>&1

see: Redirecting to and from the standard file handles

i forgot put that 2>&1 in this thread, but actually in cron it exists.