Script is not working from cron while working manually


I am facing a very strange problem when I run my script manuallu ./Fetchcode which is using to connect with MKS integrity from linux end it workks fine but when I run it from cron it doesn't work.Can someone help me

1) How could I check my script when it is running from cron like whether the variable are getting populated or not?
2) The solution to connect to mks when running it from cron

si connect --port=7001 --user=LinuxAutomation --password=Linux4tw --yes
if [[ "${ReturnCode}" -ne "0" ]];then
echo "Issue found during connection" | mail -s "MKS Connection issue1 from STP"
exit 1;
echo "Connection to MKS Client is in progress" |mail -s "MKS Connection1 FROM STP"

Cron entry

*/2 * * * * /tmp/connect>/dev/null 2>&1

This question is so common it's in our FAQ.

cron's environment is extremely minimal. The programs you want probably aren't in PATH anymore. Either set a proper PATH by various means -- a manual PATH=... statement, . /etc/profile to get your system defaults, and so forth -- or call programs by their absolute paths.

Can u tell me how could I this

(1) DEV BU002: /projects/splash
[splashuser@vlllll] $ echo $PATH
Below is the location of my script (1) DEV BU002: /projects/splash/delta
[splashuser@vllll] $ ll -tr
total 32
-rwxr-xr-x 1 splashuser splash   545 Jan 19 20:47 FetchCode.config
drwxr-xr-x 2 splashuser splash  4096 Jan 20 19:36 ProjectSandbox
drwxr-xr-x 2 splashuser splash  4096 Jan 20 19:43 PN_Release
drwxr-xr-x 5 splashuser splash  4096 Jan 20 20:00 CheckoutRepo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 splashuser splash 15590 Jan 23 17:54 FetchCodesvnmks

(1) DEV BU002: /projects/splash/delta
[splashuser@vhldvgfbu002] $ ll -tr
total 32
-rwxr-xr-x 1 splashuser splash   545 Jan 19 20:47 FetchCode.config
drwxr-xr-x 2 splashuser splash  4096 Jan 20 19:36 ProjectSandbox
drwxr-xr-x 2 splashuser splash  4096 Jan 20 19:43 PN_Release
drwxr-xr-x 5 splashuser splash  4096 Jan 20 20:00 CheckoutRepo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 splashuser splash 15590 Jan 23 17:54 FetchCodesvnmks

The location of your script is irrelevant...

What your script probably needs is this line, before you start trying to run anything in it:


When you login as a user, you get this PATH by default, but scripts in cron get a much more minimal PATH. This can be rectified in various ways, the most obvious just by setting the PATH variable, otherwise by loading it through various means.