Script Help - Another Way To Write This

I am adapting an Open Step ping server script to Ubuntu 8.10 and one section of my script isn't working

# if there are servers that just went down or came back up, notify
# with high importance
if [ -s /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.upagain -o -s /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.wentdown ]; then
echo notifying of servers that are up again or just now down
notify high
# if there is no new news, but servers are still down from before,
# notify only once per day, with low importance
elif [ -s /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.stilldown ]; then
if [ "`date +%H`" -eq 11 ]; then
if [ ! -f /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.stilldownsent ]; then
touch /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.stilldownsent
echo notifying once today of servers that are still down from before
notify low
echo not time for daily notification of servers that are still down
if [ -f /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.stilldownsent ]; then
rm /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.stilldownsent

The first if statement

if [ -s /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.upagain -o -s /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.wentdown ]; then
echo notifying of servers that are up again or just now down
notify high

isn't being executed and notifying/emailing me of the updates when a server comes back up. When a server goes down, its fine, but if that server comes back up, it won't notify me until something new goes down. Is this "if" statement not Ubuntu friendly or is there another way to write it. The jest of the "if" statement there is if file1 or file2 are more than 0 bytes run notify

Here is the notify section if that would be helpful

# function to send the email notification with high or low importance
echo "
This message sent by cron script /admin/scripts/crons/ on 
mjm101" > /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.explain
cat /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.upagain /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.wentdown /
tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.stilldown /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.explain | /usr/
bin/sendEmail -f -t -u "RCP Server Stats" -s
cat /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.upagain /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.wentdown |
logger -t "" -p local4.err

Any help appreciated. I can not see why it won't run the notify section unless its some syntax on the first "if" statement. Thanks! Dale

Try one of these if statements, they should work with bash:

if [[ -s /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.upagain || -s /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.wentdown ]]; then
if [ -s /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.upagain ] || [ -s /tmp/$SCRIPTNAME.serverlist.wentdown ]; then


Thank you Franklin52 - I am good - Thank you so much. Dale