Script gives error when scheduled in crontab

i have written one script which is working fine when i run it manually but giving error when i schedule it in crontab.

 DT1=`date +%Y%m%d`
echo "Off      PP          TT" >>summary_$DT1.txt
cat ues1.txt_$DT1 >>summary_$DT1.txt
cat ues2.txt_$DT1 >>summary_$DT1.txt
cat ues3.txt_$DT1 >>summary_$DT1.txt
cat ues4.txt_$DT1 >>summary_$DT1.txt
cat ues5.txt_$DT1 >>summary_$DT1.txt
cat ues6.txt_$DT1 >>summary_$DT1.txt

error getting while running from crontab

 cat: ues1.txt_20170530: No such file or directory
cat: ues2.txt_20170530: No such file or directory
cat: ues3.txt_20170530: No such file or directory
cat: ues4.txt_20170530: No such file or directory
cat: ues5.txt_20170530: No such file or directory
cat: ues6.txt_20170530: No such file or directory

There is no path to your file, cron is the most dumb program you will find.. it has a very minimalist environment so all has to be given...

You need to cd to where the files are.
Also cat means concatenation, so you can do the same in one stroke

if cd /path/to/the/files
  DT1=`date +%Y%m%d`
  echo "Off      PP          TT" >>summary_$DT1.txt
  cat ues{1,2,3,4,5,6}.txt_$DT1 >>summary_$DT1.txt