Script for daily use

I have a clear case command for example.
ct lsprivate -co
this displays the list of checked out files.
and i have many views where i work daily

I need a script which can run daily at our specified time. setting each and every view i have and list the check outs i have in them. and consolidate it in a single file.
and it should also tell how many days old is the check out file is.

for instance the output should be like this.

view name 1
checked out file name 1, 2 days old
checked out file name 2, 10days old
checked out file name n, ndays old

view name 2
no check outs

view name n

please help with this..

Have you done anything on this?? It seems like you are asking out for a whole new script! :wall:

not yet... provide me idea on how this could be done.. how to set views and list checkout in parallel and how to make it run daily at specified time

What is the output of

ct lsprivate -co

How did you come up with this output format?

view name 1
checked out file name 1, 2 days old
checked out file name 2, 10days old
checked out file name n, ndays old

view name 2
no check outs

view name n

cleartool lsprivate -co
will display the full path of the files that are checkout

Can you paste the sample output please??

cleartool setview viewname1
cleartool lsprivate -co
/mvfs/he/scripts/run_pem_cfg_unit_test  [checkedout]
/mvfs/he/scripts/test_pem_cfg_ut.exp  [checkedout]

The output doesn't have any date specified here. How/ what is the criteria that will be used for displaying

checked out /mvfs/he/scripts/run_pem_cfg_unit_test , x days old
checked out /mvfs/he/scripts/test_pem_cfg_ut.exp , y days old 

that we need to maintain a record of when the checkout has been made and when there is again check in again.

This is great!

You will have to work on a little bigger script! :slight_smile:

yes.... please let me know what could be done... size is not a matter