Script for adding a word in front of all line in a file


I've one file full of paths of certain files and I want to add some extra file words in front of all the paths. for eg:

i have a file name test.txt which show some details only..


here I want to add /usr/people/indiana/ infront of all the files so that i can have like this..


in a new file..

Can someone help me to create a script for this?


cp filename filename.bk
sed -i 's/^/\/usr\/people\/indiana\//' filename

awk -v p="/usr/people/indiana/" 'NF>0 { print p$0}' input_file
perl -pe '$_ = "/usr/people/indiana/".$_' input

oh its too simple..

awk '{print "/usr/people/indiana/"$1}' inputfile >> outputfile
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