Script execution help needed.

I m using multiple scripts which are running on one master computer(server) and fetching records from another computers(client).

For example.

Machine A running scripts to execute code on Client machines say Machine B ,Machine C and Machine D
Output of the script is then emailed to user.

I have added ssh keygen so that password less login and command execution can be done on client machine.

However All of the above was done using root user and now i want to use a normal user account to do the same.

What are the steps involved if i do this?

One way to do this is to create a simple user @ server end and add all the script in sudoer files against that account.
This will solve the problem of permission denied error @ server end.
But what about client end.
There are lot of different commands which are executed @ client end.Do i need to add all of them in sudoer file against the user name.
and then run

ssh -ttq sudo <command>

is there any other better alternative to this?

Hope my question is clear.

Is the question too complex??

If you can, write a script which you will deploy on clients.

Modify $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys to only run that specific script :

no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,command="/path/on/client/" ssh-rsa .. # rest of the key

You invoke the remote script on client from server :

ssh user@client

Hope that's a better alternative.