Script doesn't work as expected when run on cron

The script checks for free space stats on Oracle. If there are any tablespaces with more than 85% usage it prints the details of the tablespace. If all the tablespaces have more than 15% free space, then "All tablespaces have more than 15 pct free space" must be printed on the screen.

When I run on the shell with ./scriptname it runs as described above. When I run it as a cron job, I do not get the message "All tablespaces have more than 15 pct free space"when all tablespaces have more than 15% free space.

I am pasting a part of the script:

# call Oracle script to query tablespace size
`sqlplus -S "/as sysdba" @/home/sidadm/script/dba_data_files.sql > .tmp1`
# call Oracle script to query freespace in tablespace
`sqlplus -S "/as sysdba" @/home/sidadm/script/dba_free_space.sql > .tmp2`
# paste them into a single file
paste .tmp1 .tmp2 |tail +4 > .tmp

# get the number of tablespaces
TS_CT=`cat .tmp | wc -l`

awk -v m=0 -v n=0 -v i="$TS_CT" '
# calculate freespace percentage
k =$3/$2100;
# print the details if the percentage of freespace is less than 15
100 < 15)
m = m + 1; # m keeps a count of number of tablespaces with freespace percentage less than 15
if(m==1) # print the heading (only once)
printf("%s \n","Tablespaces having less than 15pct freespace GB")
printf("%s \n","Tablespace Totalspace Freespace Freespace_pct")
len =length ($1)
for ( ;len < 30 ;len++)
printf("%c"," ");
for ( ;len < 15 ;len++)
printf("%c"," ");
len = length($3);
for ( ;len < 15 ;len++)
printf("%c"," ");

            printf\("%f \\n ",$3/$2*100\);

            n = n \+ 1; \# n keeps a count of tablespaces with freespace percentage more than 15
            if\(n==i\) \# if all the tablespaces have free space more than 15 %
            printf\("%s \\n","All tablespaces have more than 15 pct free space"\)


' .tmp >> $TOBREMAILED

Make sure your environment is the same by sourcing your .profile (wherever your needed variables are set in) etc. when starting it via cron, like

. ~/.profile

# here comes the script...

If you are still having problems, put a "set -x" in the beginning and check the verbose output of your cronjob.

Also use [ code ] and [ /code ] tags when displaying scripts in the forum please, thank you.

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Either you can

  • source the .profile before calling the script
    eg: * * * * * ./.profile; sh

  • or, call the .profile inside your script.