Script does not read the last line of text file

I have got a script that reads a text file, and have got three problems that I an struggling with.

  1. The script does not read the last line in the text file

  2. within the second 'elif' within the script I included a 'break' - the script runs successfully (except for the first problem) , but if a situation occurs where the second 'elif' is executed the echo message is shown and all seems to work well, but if I try and run the script a second time with a condition that does not satisfy the second 'elif' the echo from the second 'elif' is still being shown' - this problem ony happens after the second 'elif' is executed at least once.

  3. Instead of breaking out of the code within the second 'elif' I wanted the user to be taken back to the first echo where they are asked to enter the 'Test Day'

I tried goto but after doing some research I realise that I am using Korn Shell and I cann use goto


===sCRIPT ====


echo 'Please enter the Test Day or 0 for all days: '
read x
while read line
echo $line | read a b c d
if [ "$a" = "$x" ] ; then

      \( IFS=-
 printf ' 1\\n 1\\n 0\\n 0\\n 1\\n 1\\n 7\\n 0\\n'
 printf ' %s\\n' $c
 printf ' 1\\n 1\\n 0\\n 0\\n 0\\n N\\n 1\\n 100\\n' \) | 
 "$LOTO"/bin/loto_tsim > /dev/null 2>&1

let count=count+1
echo "Wager Number ${count} is:" $c

elif [ "$x" = "0" ] ; then

                   \( IFS=-
  printf ' 1\\n 1\\n 0\\n 0\\n 1\\n 1\\n 7\\n 0\\n'
  printf ' %s\\n' $c
  printf ' 1\\n 1\\n 0\\n 0\\n 0\\n N\\n 1\\n 100\\n' \) | 
  "$LOTO"/bin/loto_tsim > /dev/null 2>&1
let count=count\+1
echo 'Your wager is: ' $c 

 elif  [ "$a" != "$x" ]  || [ "$a" != "0"  ] ; then

                            echo 'Sorry The Test Day Entered Does Not Exist'


done  < LottWagers2.txt 

=======text file data= ====

3 1 01-02-27-28-29-30 (99) Both 1
1 1 01-31-32-33-34-35 (99) Both 3
1 1 03-06-09-10-20-21 (99) Both 3
1 1 05-31-32-33-34-35 (99) Both 3
1 1 07-06-09-10-20-21 (99) Both 3
4 1 05-07-08-09-10-25 (99) Both 4
4 1 01-02-10-11-24-25 (99) Both 7
4 1 01-02-31-32-33-34 (99) Both 5
4 1 04-02-31-32-33-34 (99) Both 5

I'm just a starter in UNIX Scripting but think you could try the following:

  1. Reason why it doesn't read the last line might be due to missing newline. Open your text file again in VI editor and save and quit using ":wq". That will take care of the newline character issue.
  2. In the IF-ELSE block, instead of using "=" try using "==" or "-eq"
  3. Put the whole code in a while loop. Use some flag say gotoMenu = true and keep going back to MENU till the flag is set to FALSE.

Hope this helps.



Thank you very much for your help, you suggestion for problem number 1 works fine. I will try suggestion 2 & 3 and tell you if it works.

Thanks again