Script behaving differently in Crontab..

I posted this in Shell scripting... maybe I'll try it in this forum..


I wrote a script to stop a process,truncate its log files and re-start the process...
We are using Progress Software in Unix ( Sun Sparc)

When ever I start this progress program , it should kick off a C pgm in the background..
The script work perfectly fine when I run it from command prompt..
When I scheduled it from crontab, the stopping and truncating log files works fine..
When it starts of the progress program, that time also it looks OK..
But when I do (ps -ef ) for that C program, I found two instances of the C program running.. One is the actual C program which I wanted it to run and other is the same C program with slightly different process name...
> ps -ef | grep 'myprocess'
admin1 .......... myprocess
admin1 .......... usr/bin/sh -C myprocess

Also, the second process is the parent for first process...
Any ideas why it is working differently in crontab ??
If my explanation is not clear, let me know... I could post some screen dumps which might explain more...

Thanks in advance,

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