scp problem in crontab

Hello there:

I hope you can help me.
I have this problem:

I have the next script:


#copy all backuped files to main server
scp /root/opennms_etc_$fecha.tar.gz opennms2@
scp /root/opennms_all_$fecha.sql     opennms2@
scp /root/pg_hba.conf               opennms2@
scp /root/postgresql.conf           opennms2@
scp /root/postgresql.conf           opennms2@

and when I put this script in the crontab table... not working because don�t have the password of the destiny machine.

How I can execute the script without me request the password of destiny machine?

Sorry for my english. :slight_smile:
Thank's a lot!

From the rules:

ssh no password

Ok, Sorry.