SCO Openserver Release 5 and HP VS160 Tape Drive


Does anyone know if a HP VS160 Tape drive will work with SCO Openserver Release 5?

If so what driver would it use? alad, cha?



All SCSI tape drives do not require any drivers for it. You just need to know which SCSI host adapter that you are connecting it to. Check which SCSI host adapter you have / buy and make sure you have the correct drivers available for you OpenServer 5 level. There were / are several levels of OpenServer 5 and some drivers are not always available for each level.

I am going to swap the drive out next week. Last time i swapped a drive out that was HP i just chosen CHA which worked. Is this ok for this drive?

Ok the tape drive is now installed and woking.

I just chose cha as the driver and then my HA ID which was 1, then my SCSI ID was 6 then everything else was set to 0.

Just thought i would leave this for anyone else who needs info.

Thanks for your help
