school or teach myself?

I want to learn c lenguage and am wonder if is better if i go to a school or teach myself, or there is no to much diference? Thank you


You can buy some books that teach how to program, but it's not easy... I'd suggest you some "real" classes of programming languages with a certification at the end.

It really probably depends on you exposure to computers, programing etc. If you already use a structured language, moving to C shouldn't be too challenging. There are resources that are fairly good

There were two books that were instrumental for me when I was learning (both are available at most b&n/borders/amazon):

  1. The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie (the creators of the language)
  2. The Standard C Library by P. J. Plauger




As for me, I had started myself by using a book. I too was not at all exposed to any kind of programming. I started with a book called "let us C" by yeshwant kanitkar. It is a indian book. Dont know how you can get your hands on it. but i wud recomment this book to anyone who wants to start programming right from scratch especially in C

all the best in your C odyessey


I've programmed in Delphi, PHP, Javascript, Java and Flash before I started learning C++.

Having some knowledge in other programming languages is really usefull, because all programming languages are much alike, small differences in syntax is almost everything you need to know :stuck_out_tongue:

I'm reading 2 books at the moment. They're dutch books, but if you know some programming languages, cheapest is trying to teach yourself. Read a book about C.
Rent a book at the local library and try it. If it doesn't work you can still go to class... But first try the cheapest way, it never hurts trying :stuck_out_tongue:

A structured course may be better for you if you are a beginner at programming.

As well as useful exercises and a set place and time to do programming without interruptions you will have access to someone (your teacher) who should be able to help you when you get stuck. Even having fellow students around to dicuss problems and solutions would be of benefit.

A course allows you an environment in which to experiment and screw up. A luxury you won't have if you are trying to learn on the job.

Reading on anything to do with computing will always be an integral part of your job, whatever your experience. If you are a beginner, better get into the habit now.

A course is always a good reference point, but they can be expensive and time consuming. If you are experienced or have a good talent at programming you may be more comfortable learning on your own at your own pace. If you do this, make sure you have access to someone who can mentor you, just in case you get stuck.

Finally, remember the old saying 'practice makes perfect'.


I am a college stuent.I am learning the computer technology.I want to become a excellent computer engineer.I don`t know what kind of language should learn,jave,c++,or vb?

wish happy!


It depends what you mean by "computer engineer". The field of computing has many areas of expertise.

If you don't know how you want to specialise in your career, best to keep your education and training in computing as broad as possible. In this way you will keep your options open for that all important first job in computing.

Invariably you will become specialised. Employers tend to 'pidgeon hole' a person into known skill sets and experience.

As your career progresses you must guard against this tendancy by updating your skills and making the most of the opportunities your employer has to offer.

To answer your question about which language to learn. Java, C++ and VB seem to be skills that are in good demand so why not? Maybe plain C too under Unix?

But be careful. Languages can come in and out of fashion. As some of my friends have found out, specialising in a niche language like Gupta or Informix wasn't such a good idea. Even if you don't intend to change your job, always keep an eye on the skills being asked for in the job market. If you don't, you may find yourself stuck in a dead end support role.


Thaks guy for the advice, i bought a book call "C, how to program"
and i had hear good things about this book, and i wanted to go to a school but i live in a small town whare there is not school about computer, and i use FreeBSD os, and what compiler is good for FreeBSD, or the one that comes with FreeBSD is good enought.

Thank you,mbb!
I know it is important to learn as board as possible,but, you
know ,the vigor is limited to a person.
I always have a feeling of losing job in the future,even if i am
just a student,it is too rapidly to catch on the pace of technology.
especially the computer technology.
I want to gain a certificate of the computer skill,and then,find
a job out of school.and gain some skill in practise.
thank you of your advise!
Merry Christmas!