scan direcotries


I am new to this forum, and glad to be a part of it here after. I have an intersting issue for which I need suggestions of you great minds.

I am in process a building a shell script which should scan a directory for a specified amount of time and prepare a list of all the files that were created in that time.

lets say at the fist scan of 100 sec, there were three files created in $HOME/mydir/

it should prepare a file with this list: some thing like below.

At the second run of the script, lets say 5 more files are created then it should update the previous file list with these latest 5 files (excluding the last three): some thing like below.

File naming conventions can be any thing, but the extension of all the files would be the same.

Any Ideas let me know: email id removed


Welcome to the forum ! :slight_smile:

Please read the rules of the forum !

Personal contact ids should not be posted in the posts.

Regarding your question

read the directory list first time - 
populate it in a file - fileA
after n secs
read the directory list again -
populate it in a file - tmp
find the diff of fileA and tmp 
and populate the diff to file A again
and repeat the process based on the interval 'n' seconds