saving awk value in a bash array variable

hi all i am trying to save an awk value into an array in bash:

total[$count]=`awk '{sum+=$3} END {print sum}' "$count".txt"`

the above statement is in a while loop..
$count is to keep track of file numbers (1.txt,2.txt,3.txt,etc.)

i get the following error:

./lines1: command substitution: line 24: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./lines1: command substitution: line 25: syntax error: unexpected end of file

the awk statement works when i save it in a single variable but does not seem to work when i use an array.
what is wrong with this? any help appreciated.

total[$count]=`awk '{sum+=$3} END {print sum}' ${count}.txt`;

You just have too many double quote.
Remove it and try again.