Save output in text C++

Hi ,
i want to save the output of my c ++ code to a text file which is in a particular path :
this is part of my code and I dunno where I am doing it wrong

        for( int i = 0; i < l; ++i  )
            std::cout << 1 + k * i + index << ' ';
		        std::cout << std::endl;
    while( next_index( index.begin(), index.end(), M ) );
std::ofstream out("C:project5\part2\out.txt");
    cout<<"write in file";

please do advise on my error

cout is not stdout, they are in fact separate.

You do not need to change where cout or stdout go to, to write to a file, in any case.

See this fstream example for an example on how to write to a file stream.

yeah you should use one or the other, iostream or stdio and not mix and match, ideally.