SAMBA - need help

I have installed samba and all the required libraries from
I have it running, and I've done everything I've done in the past on Linux boxes to make it work, but with solaris 9 SPARC, I keep getting the error of "you are not permitted to login from this station"
I modified the hosts allow field in smv.conf and included my subnet, but i still get the same error, any ideas?

I have had difficulties also. What kind of 'security' are you asking SAMBA to perform ? You *may* need to create a smbpasswd file and map the 'windows users' to UNIX users. At home, I get around this by having the same user names on all my machines.

For NON-PRODUCTION use, I have a WORKING smb.conf file:

with my addresses taken out.

This *may* be a good starting place.

Also, I think that is a 'generic' message that means that your 'access list' could be wrong, OR your username/password are incorrect. So it does not point you at exactly what needs 'fixin'.

this usually means they you are sending encrypted passwords from windows and you are expecting plain text psasswords on the samba server.

OOOh ! Didn't know THAT !!