samba log

Hi guys,

iam using samba utility to grab/delete files from shared to unix.

/util/samba/bin/smbclient URL/user 'pasword' -U 'AppID' -D Shareddrivepath -c "lcd UnixPath;mget *.csv"

this would extract file from shared drive and would display what file it is extracting while exceuting.

but when i use

/util/samba/bin/smbclient URL/user 'pasword' -U 'AppID' -D Shareddrivepath -c "rm *.csv"

it is deleting the files in shared drive but is not displaying the filename while executing.

can anyone suggest me how to log the deleted files.


Write a script to list your remove targets, pipe it to while read it, do, list it, remove it and relist it to ensure it got deleted, done. Not surprising, rm is silent on unix by default. You could run cygwin over on the windows side to do it in a shell script (but fork over there is slow!)