Samba Issue - findsmb and nmblookup Only See Localhost

I wrote a program which uses findsmb to get a list of Samba aware resources. It worked fine. It was able to see both my own cluster of virtuals and other company computers too. My company moved to a different location. The network was flakey for awhile, but has seemed okay for months now. I am not sure that moving is the cause of the problem I am about to describe, but it is the only obvious change. Now findsmb only discovers the machine I am running in. I am doing this in a number of VMWare virtuals, and have tried this in several. In every case, findsmb only finds localhost. I should repeat that this was working fine in the past. I did enough research to discover that findsmb relies on nmblookup. So I tried "nmblookup -A <ip address>" for several of the IPs around and it always comes back with "no reply." I have no idea what's wrong. Does anyone have any ideas?

Try the following:
echo -e " $(date)\n"; smbtree -SN|grep '\\'|cut -f2|cut -c 3-|sort|while read svr; do echo -ne "$svr\t"; ipname=$(nmblookup $svr|grep '<00>'); cmnt=$(smbclient -NL $svr 2>&1|grep -m 1 'IPC'|cut -c 40-); echo -e "$ipname\t$cmnt"; smbclient -NL $svr 2>&1|grep Disk; done; exit 0
All I wanted was a list of servers, ip addresses and the server string. findsmb does not appear to be as reliable as smbtree, so I started with it instead.