Samba broken on clone Ubuntu

I configured freeradius version 2.2.0 running on Ubuntu 12.04 to authenticate against active directory and it is working fine until I decide to clone (vmware) the machine.
Once the machine is clone I changed the IP address, hostname in (/etc/hosts and /etc/hostname) and also changed the name in /etc/samba/smb.conf
Finally I tried to join the clone machine using �net join -U administrator� unfortunately this break the original freeradius machine by no longer authenticating to active directory and the clone machine will not join the Domain also.
I think the clone machine is still referring the original machine which breaks the original machine unfortunately I do not know how to fix it.
How do I fix the original machine?
What else do I change on the clone machine so that I can successfully join it to domain with breaking the original machine?


You need to delete the Computer account in AD then rejoin the working (not the clone) server.

I think you miss some settings on your clone that is why. Remember the windows... always use SID per account ( machine, user and objects).