running zsh command in tcsh

Hi all

is there a way to run zsh commands in a tcsh shell


running a shell's command from another shell can be done using SHELLEXE -c 'cmd'.

so to execute a zsh command in tcsh use

zsh -c 'ls' # or whatever command.

Note: not tested..

if i want to put something in my cshrc then
i have the following to add

export LOGCHECK="1"
export WATCHFMT="$(print '\e[31m')%n@%M $(print '\e[0m')%a"

i have tried this

zsh -c 'watch=notme'
zsh -c 'export LOGCHECK="1"'
zsh -c 'export WATCHFMT="$(print '\e[31m')%n@%M $(print '\e[0m')%a"'

but it does not like it

any ideas

It is not possible to use "zsh" to set parameters in the "tcsh" environment.

BTW. Those parameters are "watch" parameters and they only apply to "zsh". Even if you managed to set them in .cshrc using "tcsh" commands they would have no effect.