Running script using cron

I am running a script by scheduling it using the cron. The line in the cron file is -

10 * * * * ksh -v /apps/gofis/svam/cos_automation/ vpqa > /apps/gofis/svam/cos_automation/cron.log 2>&1

But after the job is executed, the cron.log contains some part from script.

Can some one help me.


The -v option you have added to crontab entry may be doing that.

the -v option in ksh -v is sending a listing of your script to stderr (the 2> part of the command)

You have then redirected this to stdout (the > part) by putting 2>&1.

To stop this happening either take out the -v option or redirect stderr to /dev/null. It depends whether you want to keep other errors or not.

ie. do either

10 * * * * ksh /apps/gofis/svam/cos_automation/ vpqa > /apps/gofis/svam/cos_automation/cron.log 2>&1


10 * * * * ksh -v /apps/gofis/svam/cos_automation/ vpqa > /apps/gofis/svam/cos_automation/cron.log 2>/dev/null

guys, works well w/o "v" option.

what mean vpqa before de >