running bash command inside awk

Org file d:\adir\xdir d:\bdir\ydir

want to covert it into

robocopy \\\d$\adir\xdir\log* some_localdir\adir
robocopy \\\d$\adir\ydir\log* some_localdir\bbdir

what have you tried so far?
And why do you need to invoke 'bash command inside awk'?

able to achieve atleast,

robocopy \\\d$\adir\xdir\log* some_localdir\
robocopy \\\d$\adir\ydir\log* some_localdir\

awk '{printf "robocopy \\\\"$1 "\\" $2 "\\ecm\*.log some_localdir\\\n"}' ecm_app_server_list.txt | sed 's/:/$/'

now want
robocopy \\\d$\adir\xdir\log* some_localdir\xdir
robocopy \\\d$\adir\ydir\log* some_localdir\ydir

now I want to use following bash command to achieve this ..

awk '{printf "robocopy \\\\"$1 "\\" $2 "\\ecm\*.log some_localdir\\$(cut -d ":" -f3 $2)`\n"}' ecm_app_server_list.txt | sed 's/:/$/'

but not working .. giving error

using command substitution:

$(some command)

is NOT how you call non-awk commands from awk.

What you want to do can be achieved with a little awk magic....just awk.


so somewhere before your print statement, you need a split() statement, like so:

split($2, array1, "\\")

so then, lets use the " d:\adir\xdir" line as an example:
array1[1] is "d:"
array1[2] is "adir"
array1[3] is "xdir"

nawk -f ydk.awk myFile


function rindex(str,c)
  return match(str,"\\" c "[^\\" c "]*$")? RSTART : 0
  split($2, f2, ":")
  print "robocopy \\\\" $1 "\\" f2[1] "$" f2[2] "\log* somelocaldir\\" substr($2,1, rindex($2,"\\")-1)

excellent.. thanks..
split is really good..
any good website for reference having details about awk functions