Running a program using csh

I have a program which I can run on the command line like below and works fine

  /nethome/chrisd/HSeis/TommyCD/TommyCD-1101/bin/raytrac vmod=npt10-z30.vmod rcfile=jcdint.rc  phases="SP FS" level=twop format="X T"  dtau=0.1 mdacc=0.5 mindist=0.1  maxitertp=25 ray=npt10-z30.ry out=npt10-z30.tx vrb=medium |& tee npt10-z30.log

However when I put the command in csh I get an error when the program processes phases="SP FS" and format="X T".

No clue what causes the problem

I put every entry in a variable and try to run the program as below which does not work

  $tpath/raytrac $vmod $srfile $rcfile $phases $level $format  $dtau $mdacc $mindist $maxitertp $ray $out $vrb |& tee $frtlog

If I use the following, everything works fine

$tpath/raytrac $vmod $srfile $rcfile phases="SP FS" $level format="X T"  $dtau $mdacc $mindist $maxitertp $ray $out $vrb |& tee $frtlog