Run script at first login user (only)

Hi all,

I would need a script to run only at the first login of a newly created user. And at the first time only. I did some googlework but unfortunatly... I made up it possibly had something to do with the bashrc file.
This script is some kind of info for the user ; with the possiblity to change things like name or passwd.
The environment is a debian server and bash scripting.

Thanks in advance!

I'd suggest that you drop a .profile file in their home dir, do what you need to in it, then have the last line in it copy a more 'normal' default .profile from a template back over the top once you are finished.

Alternatively, you can add the following to the default profile:

if [ `last $USER | wc -l` -lt 2 ]
  <do first login stuff>

Or, you can use a flag file. Just touch /users/home/dir/newbie when you create them ( or put the file in the skeleton dir), then have this in the default .profile

if [ -f /users/home/dir/newbie ]
  <do first login stuff>
  rm -f /users/home/dir/newbie