run multiple command at the same time in one window terminal using multiplexer


I would like to ask if someone knows or accomplished this task in the terminal multiplexer in a single window with multiple splitted pane:

In the script run multiple command at the same time in diff splitted pane or simulatneously.
As an example: I would like to run iptraf, iotop, htop, etc, in a single window with 4 splitled pane in a multiplexer and write it in a single script for easy one click or run script.

I think i accomplished my objective so far this is what i did.

  1. I create a screen conf file stored somewhere and named screenrc-01.


  1. create a shortcut in alias and keyboard shorcut using this command to load my desired screenrc-## conf files

# gnome-terminal -e "screen -c <location>/screen_config/screenrc_02"

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This is a nice example of how to use screen, something I haven't really mastered yet.