rshd: 0826-813 Permission is denied.


I have two servers .. server1 and server2

I have configured the rshd and started the rshd demean in both servers by the below command .

startsrc -t shell
lssrc -t shell
Service     Command          Description    Status 
shell       /usr/sbin/rshd    rshd          active

when I try to start comincating to the onhtere server by the below command

server1/root>/usr/bin/rsh server2 root
rshd: 0826-813 Permission is denied.

I'm getting that message .. Pls advice

You appear to be trying to execute a command called "root" on server2. This might be the problem.

Also, is your root user on server1 actually allowed to log in on server2 to run the command? (If it is, then this is very bad security.)

Bad security - yeah but sometimes necessary - like for patching sfrac :slight_smile:

do you have a .rhost file for root that contains the other host ?


I want to know the .rhost configuration ..

Pls advice ...

must be sure

  • chmod 600 ~/.rhosts
  • accessibility rsh server that defined in .rhosts
