Rpm package

Hi All,

I just recently installed UBUNTU 2.6.24-16 and i installed my phone software which is a RPM package (it's a similiar package with MSN).
The software called MXIE.

I managed to install it successfully but i can't run the software.

When i try to run it, i received /usr/local/zultys/bin/mxie: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Am i missing anything?

Yes, you are missing libstdc++5.


Where can i get libstdc++5.?

sorry, i know it;s stupid question.

apt,aptitue,synaptic whatever package manager you want to use.

I just installed that, but i run the the software i received another error.

/usr/local/zultys/bin/mxie: error while loading shared libraries: libqt-mt.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I assumed i need to get libqt-mt.so.3 installed?

That refers to the threaded version of the Qt3 library.

Can you try installing gcc-3.3-base package and let me know if it fixes it.

Actually you just need to install libqt3-mt

If you run into more of these, Ubuntu -- Ubuntu Packages Search lets you find which package provides a particular file. You can also install apt-file if you prefer to run the search on the box itself (might be useful if you have a laptop which is only sometimes connected to the Internet).

By using an rpm, you have not made the system check for dependencies. You are now going to have to supply the packages that satisfy the dependencies for the package you installed, and any sub dependencies that they have.

This is a tedious process. It would have been better if you had run alien on the rpm to create a .deb package. Then, your package manager would likely have traversed its repositories to satisfy dependencies for you.