Rowtype in shell script


Please let me know how can we declare in shell script similar to rowtype in the oracle.

For example we have below data in table "info"

Name Age Address
James 25 Newark
James 5 Newyork
James 29 NewJersy
James 25 Pheonix

We can specify in oracle as
declare test info.rowtype

How can we do something similar to that if we have same data in the file in SHELL?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Srini ,

Welcome to the Forum .

You can put that complete row in a normal shell variable.

No specific type required as we do in oracle.


Thanks for the reply. Its my first post in this forum.

Iam new to shell script.
So can you give me an example for this operation considering that data i have specified is stored in the file "info.txt". Please let me know how to open that file and read the first row and assign it to a variable and retrieve back the second column's data from that variable.

some thing like this :

while read line 
echo "$line"  ## print each line 
echo "$line" | awk '{ print $2}'   ## to get the second filed 
done < file.txt                         ## read from the file

Thanks for the help. It works well:b: :slight_smile:
