router and internat acess


My 2nd post...

Here is my case:

Now, I have a router. I have installed fresh freebsd and apache web server. I opened port 80 in router...and I am unable to access to it within my network if I use my 'external' IP. People not from my network however can acess to it.
I also installed apache web server on windows machine and opened port for it....and even within my network I can acess it if I use external IP.

Do you guys know where is the problem? Please help. Thanks

from within your network use your internal ip address. im gonna go out on a limb and assume you are using a linksys router?

well the one i have, forgot the exact model number, its the 4 port cable/dsl router wont route the external ip address to the internal ip address.

dunno if they are still around, but check some of my earliest posts, i asked about this same problem.

just use your internal ip address. in your /etc/hosts file add whatever domain name you have and have that point to your internal ip address. let hosts do that routing for you.

Have a look through your httpd.conf for a line that begins "Listen". Tell us what it says.


The router is Berklin.
Tux, apache httpd.conf has nothing to do with it since I am unable to even connect to FTP using external IP and so.
I also tried this trick with /etc/hosts but without luck, can you give me a syntax? I puted:

Is this is correct? if so, why do I still get the:
server# host has address x.x.x.x ?
