Root window banner, Please help

Does anyone know how I could display a banner at the root window level and posibly allow users to log in from the root window. I need to display a Warning Banner at the root window level so the users can read the warning then login.

Solaris 7 is the OS I am running

Thanks in advance

Are you asking how to put a message so everyone will see it when they log in? If yes, use /etc/motd and you can even add a sleep command so everyone will see it.

The /etc/motd file works fine, but this is not what I am looking for. The warning banner that I need to display should be before anyone logs in. The banner should be displayed and the only thing user can do is read the warning and log in.

/etc/issue is the file you're looking for....


I have been looking at the /etc/issue file and I don't know how to use it. I believe I need some Ctl-v ESC characters but don't really know what to do. Can anyone give me an example on using the /etc/issue file? For example, how to print out "Hello World".

/etc/issue is a simple ASCII file. Anything you put in there will get displayed,
BEFORE the login prompt. What are you trying to do with it ? FLASH the screen ? Clear the screen and then output your "banner message" ?

Control codes are not necessary.
Here's your "Hello World": (IF you are using sh, bash, or ksh)
echo "">/etc/issue
echo " Hello World !" >>/etc/issue
echo "" >>/etc/issue


Thank you so much, I believe I am on the right track. However, there are a few more questions I have. I typed �which sh� and sh is located on /bin/sh. I vi'd a banner file and added #!/bin/sh to the top of the file, then I entered the script code you suggested and when I ran the banner file I get a error:

Usage: banner �up to 10 char arg string� . . .

Am I doing something wrong?

I got it! I didn't realize the there was a unix banner command and I named a file banner. That is why I received that error. Thank you so much for you help again...



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