Root partition filling up

I have a T1000 Sparc server that has a relatively small root partition which is 24Gb and a larger partition dedicated to /export/home that is approximately 100 Gb. We have a lot of data going to /var/audit and to /var/core/corefiles. Is there any non-destructive way to redirect files from /var/core and /var/audit to a newly created partition on /export/home without causing any adverse affects upon the system. I had thought of creating a soft link to /var/core and audit but was unsure of the implications of that move.

Something like that should relocate the global core directory:

coreadm -g /export/home/corefiles

You should however figure out why cores are generated and fix that in the first place.

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We know what is generating the core files, but, since it's a production server, we can't fix it for a while. Thanks for the coreadm command, I'll take a look at it.

Do you have any ideas on linking /var/audit to /export/home/var/audit?

# mv /var/audit /var/audit_old
# mkdir -p /export/home/var/audit
# ln -s /export/home/var/audit/ /var/audit
# ls -s /var/audit
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          23 Jul 13 08:15 /var/audit -> /export/home/var/audit/

Beta17, thanks for the info. I know how to make the changes, my question is will making the change to /var/audit have any adverse affects upon the system. I don't think that it will, but, just in case, I will try it out on my workstation first and see how it works out.