Root Backup


In what cases we take backup of Root file system. Can someone explain please.

Thanks & Regards,

I don't really understand what you're asking here. What do you mean in what cases?

I mean in what situations in the production environment?? For example like before upgrading OS or patches installation or Ram upgradation. When do we go for taking backup of a root filesystem.

Ah you're asking about backup policies.

We run a full backup every Sunday and then it's held offsite Monday morning for production level servers. Every day of the week except Sunday we do incremental backups.

Also, we do a full backup before every major patch / upgrade / hardware change that could potentially affect normal operations.

Thing is, we use Symantec Netbackup for our systems here so that may change the mindset since it does all for open file backup.

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Thank you very much that was a useful info. Is this backups will include only the filesystems which are mounted?? Will you take backup of root (/)filesystem also. If you take backup of root (/) filesystem then will you do only before major activities?? or regularly?

That's exactly what I meant when I said fullback up.

But like I said your situation may vary since we're using Symantec netbackup.

Full every Sunday incremental every day full before any change in OS. Before anything that could cause downtime.

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Hi, bhargav90.

You may be interested in acquiring this book:

Title: The Practice of System and Network Administration
Author: Limoncelli, Hogan, Chalup
Edition: 2nd
Date: 2007
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0321492668
Pages: 1000
Categories: SA, system administration, network administration, planning
Comments: "six key principles of site design and support practices:
simplicity, clarity, generality, automation, communication, and basics
Comments: Unusual in that there are few, if any, scripts, code, etc.
Comments: and that it is platform agnostic.
Comments: Concentrates on planning, upgrades & change management, backup, etc.
Comments: 4.5 stars, 37 reviews, Amazon -- seem to be for 1st edition
Comments: first edition 2001
Comments: Table of contents, etc, at:

Best wishes ... cheers, drl

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mattymatt79 :

Thanks a lot for the valuable info..