RHEL Installation using NIM

We are primarily a AIX shop and we will be building our first Linux server on Intel server.

I would like to know if someone has experience installing RHEL using NIM running on AIX.

I would like to know if this is possible. If yes, how will the network boot and NFS work without using 3 rd party tool like samba or something similar ?

I am posting this in AIX forum as the NIM is on AIX server.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

NIM is used for AIX only. If you want to install RHEL over the network then build a kickstart server. it will boot from PXE and use DHCP.

hmmm I havent done it myself yet but it looks like it would work if you convert the nimserver to dhcp usage and than install all clients (linux and AIX) this way ... but still with NIM functionality ...

http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/sg247296.pdf - chapter 4.7


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If you are creating your RedHat server as an LPAR behind a VIO server, you can upload the RH installation *.iso disk image to vio:/var/vio/VMLibrary, create a virtual CD drive for your RH LPAR, and "load" the .iso image into the virtual CD drive, and then boot from it. I did this and was able to install RedHat just fine. You have to open a console window to be able to go through all the prompts. They are kind of messed up spacing wise but you can get through them.

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