retrieving files from Tape

I have AIX5.1
I have tried to retrieve a file from tape with no sucsess. I had this posted in the newbies section but I think I should have tried here. I did get some good info there though on where to start. This Is what I did.
My back line is so...

cat /rd/tmp/backuplist.full | cpio -ocvBdum > $TAPEDEV
I ran these to retrieve the file.

cpio -itvB < /dev/tapedrive

cpio -itvB < /dev/tapedrive | grep filename

When I run these commands I get this error...

cpio: 0511-903 out of phase!
cpio: 0511-904 skipping 2677530 bytes to get back in phase!
one or more files lost and the previous file is possibly corrupt!
cpio: 0511-027 The file name length does not match the expected value.

I checked on a different tape and ran the first command to look at the tape and got this error..
cpio: 0511-903 Out of phase!
cpio attempting to continue..
cpio: 0511-904 skipping 2677530 bytes to get back in phase!
one or more files lost and the previous file is possibly corrupt!

Segmentation fault (coredump)
Am I missing something?
I tried to just look at the whole tape with the first command.
Could my tape be corrupt?


I think I found the problem and I thought I should let you know since you put time into this one.
I was not familiar with the backup procedure prior to a software upgrade that we had for our business application.
During the upgrade they changed our backup scripts to start backing up using cpio.
Before the upgrade we were using [Restore]
I have been using the same tapes I was before which means according to the software support that even though the tape swere copying they are not readable since they formatted for {restore] and not [cpio]
So I am change the script tonite to format the tape for [cpio] as it copies