retrieve lines from file which fall under the given date range


I need to retrieve the lines which fall under the given date range.
eg:In a log file,i have the lines which will have the timestamp.
the input will be some date from date:03/Jan/2008,to date:24/Jul/ now i want to retrieve the lines
which have the timestamp between these 2 given date range.

log file:

[02/Jan/2008:19:37:00-20401-59-2] Process - data
[22/Jan/2008:19:37:00-20401-59-2] Process - data
[22/Mar/2008:19:37:00-20401-63-2] Process - data
[01/Jul/2008:19:37:00-20401-63-2] Process - data
[22/Jul/2008:19:37:00-20401-63-2] Process - data
[25/Jul/2008:19:37:00-20401-63-2] Process - data

Lines 2,3,4 and 5 have to be retrieved. the dates are within the given input date range.

A possible solution using awk :

awk -v From="03/Jan/2008" -v To="24/Jul/2008" '
function cnvDate(date   ,d) {
   split(tolower(date), d, "/");
   return sprintf("%04.4d%02.2d%02.2d", d[3], month[d[2]], d[1]);
   FS = "[:[]";
   month["jan"]=1 ; month["feb"]=2 ; month["mar"]=3 ; month["apr"]=4 ;
   month["may"]=5 ; month["jun"]=6 ; month["jul"]=7 ; month["aug"]=8 ;
   month["sep"]=9 ; month["oct"]=10; month["nov"]=11; month["dec"]=12;
   date_from = cnvDate(From);
   date_to   = cnvDate(To);
   date = cnvDate($2)
   if (date >= date_from && date <= date_to)
' inputfile


I am getting the error when i run this.
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1

As i am new to awk,could you pls explain what exactly its doing.and i want to redirect the results to a new file.

Try with nawk or gawk instead of awk.

awk -v From="03/Jan/2008" -v To="24/Jul/2008" 

Defines variables From and To which contain start and end dates.

function cnvDate(date   ,d) {
   split(tolower(date), d, "/");
   return sprintf("%04.4d%02.2d%02.2d", d[3], month[d[2]], d[1]);

This function coverts a date from 'dd/mmm/yyyy' to 'yyyymmdd'.

   FS = "[:[]";
   month["jan"]=1 ; month["feb"]=2 ; month["mar"]=3 ; month["apr"]=4 ;
   month["may"]=5 ; month["jun"]=6 ; month["jul"]=7 ; month["aug"]=8 ;
   month["sep"]=9 ; month["oct"]=10; month["nov"]=11; month["dec"]=12;
   date_from = cnvDate(From);
   date_to   = cnvDate(To);

Initalizations :

  • Input field separator ':' or '['
  • Months table used by cnvDate function
  • Start and end dates format yyyymmdd
   date = cnvDate($2)
   if (date >= date_from && date <= date_to)

For each input line :

  • Convert date to format yyyymmdd
  • Print line if date between start and end dates


For the same query,if the input file is like this(below),I tried getting the lines by using the field separator (FS) as blank space.
I used the code like this..
FS = "[ ]";
But its not working.How I can specify that it has to take the 7th field with the delimiter single space.or is there any other way.
Input file:
2008-01-02 16:21:35,182 INFO1 loginslogging - mk99263 02/Jan/2008 16:21 2008-01-22 16:21:35,182 INFO2 loginslogging - mk99263 22/Jan/2008 16:21 2008-03-22 16:21:35,182 INFO3 loginslogging - mk99263 22/Mar/2008 16:21 2008-07-01 16:21:35,182 INFO4 loginslogging - mk99263 01/Jul/2008 16:21 2008-07-22 16:21:35,182 INFO5 loginslogging - mk99263 22/Jul/2008 16:21
2008-07-25 16:21:35,182 INFO6 loginslogging - mk99263 25/Jul/2008 16:21

Field separator = space (or tab)
Date field = $7

awk -v From="03/Jan/2008" -v To="24/Jul/2008" '
function cnvDate(date   ,d) {
   split(tolower(date), d, "/");
   return sprintf("%04.4d%02.2d%02.2d", d[3], month[d[2]], d[1]);
   month["jan"]=1 ; month["feb"]=2 ; month["mar"]=3 ; month["apr"]=4 ;
   month["may"]=5 ; month["jun"]=6 ; month["jul"]=7 ; month["aug"]=8 ;
   month["sep"]=9 ; month["oct"]=10; month["nov"]=11; month["dec"]=12;
   date_from = cnvDate(From);
   date_to   = cnvDate(To);
   date = cnvDate($7)
   if (date >= date_from && date <= date_to)
' inputfile