Restore Command

How can I tell the restore command to restore my files to another directory than the one archived? I want to restore a directory to a directory called temp and NOT its original location.

I do the following and get the error message below. How can I resolve the issue?

[root@machine /]# restore -h -f /dev/nst2 -T /tmp/backup_restore -x /etc/cron.daily
restore: ./etc: File exists
restore: ./etc/cron.daily: File exists
You have not read any volumes yet.
Unless you know which volume your file(s) are on you should start
with the last volume and work towards the first.
Specify next volume # (none if no more volumes): 
Specify next volume # (none if no more volumes): 
Specify next volume # (none if no more volumes): 
Specify next volume # (none if no more volumes): 
Specify next volume # (none if no more volumes): 
Specify next volume # (none if no more volumes): 
Specify next volume # (none if no more volumes): 
Specify next volume # (none if no more volumes): 
Specify next volume # (none if no more volumes): 
Specify next volume # (none if no more volumes): 
Specify next volume # (none if no more volumes): none

The restore command will extract files in the directory you were in when you invoked restore. You don't specify a destination directory! -T is only for placing files temporarily until the file has been completely extracted.

Omit the -h option -- this will only restore the directory "/etc/cron.daily" -- not the files in it!