Restarting inetd picks up environment, passed on via telnet

Curious problem I just encountered: needing to restart inetd, I su'd to root and executed the usual commands

# /etc/init.d/inetsvc stop
# /etc/init.d/inetsvc start

Shortly after this, users started reporting unexpected behaviour after logging in with telnet, and it turned out they all had environment variables set to values that only I would use.

It appears (at least, this is the only explanation I have been able to come up with) that inetd inherited my environment (carried over via su) when I executed the 'inetsvc start' script, and telnet, and thence the login shell, then also inherited that environment.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is this a bug? Or should I have restarted the service some other way?

Every process you create inherits a copy of your environment variables, and anything they create gets copies too.

I hadn't expected that would matter to a system service, though! I thought such things usually clear the environment then set a strict one of their own.

Exactly so. A system daemon (such as inetd) should surely be protected from inheriting it's parent process's environment in the normal way.

A warning to us all when writing service initialisation scripts, I think. Not inetd's fault, perhaps?

I was also surprised that this environment was inherited by telnet and by the login process. I somehow expected that a login shell would inherit only a predefined environment from the system configuration.


No. It is a Solaris 9 and older documented behavior.If you kill and restart inetd, be aware that any environment variables in your shell are inherited by a shell for an incoming telnet session. For example, if you have USER=root in your environment, a user who connects to your machine with telnet inherits USER=root.

If your goal was for inetd to reread its configuration, the documented way would have been to send SIGHUP to the inetd process, eg:

pkill -HUP inetd

Note that current Solaris releases (10, 11) no more use the same mechanism to restart this service so do not exhibit this issue.

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Is it a bug?

Ah. Thank you. For 'bug' read 'feature'. Or 'documented behavior' - I must remember that one :slight_smile:

The one place I didn't look - updated man pages. Having checked the installed man page and not found a mention there, I will be sure to check for updates in future.

No, but thanks anyway.