Restart Xvnc server


My i ask how to restart the Xvnc server running on a solaris box. This is the Xvnc server running process:

Xvnc:1 -httpd /usr/local/vnc/classes -geometry 1024x768 -rfbwait 5000 -rfauth <dir> -rfbport <port no> -alwaysshared

Additional Question:

  1. Should i kill the process and restart the above command.
  2. XY user login to the workstation using vnc client and edit some script.if i restart the Xvnc server the XY user still doing things and been disconnect but if the XY user login again using vnc client will it show the same as before like editing some script (or it will show/connect to the same session before i restarted the Xvnc server.)
vncserver -kill :1

here 1 is your display setting.

this will kill the process also. to restart it just execute this command
