Response Code using wget in shell

I am trying to get the status code of a web request,size of the download file and response time using wget.
When i use the command: wget <sitename> ,it gives all these parameters in the command line.But i want to get these values seperately and assign in different variables using shell script.Is it possible using wget?If any other methods are available i will appreciate that..

Thanks and Regards,

Do you want to capture the HTTP requests and their status?
Try this:

wget filename_to_get 2>&1|egrep "HTTP|Length|saved"

This will get you your files. You need to do the 2>&1 so that the stderr, where wget writes all this info is routed to stdout. This in turn is piped to the egrep which gives you your output.

you can also use tee command of same

wget filename_to_get | tee out_file |egrep "HTTP|Length|saved"