Reset different and multiple .txt file content to 0

I need help. I have to create a cron job that will reset the value of different and multiple .txt file to 0.



172_21.txt = 25
192_101.txt = 10
192_168.txt = 5
10_10.txt = 3

After the cron job

172_21.txt = 0
192_101.txt = 0
192_168.txt = 0
10_10.txt = 0

The cron job will be run every 12:00 Mid Night.

Thanks for the help.

If all lines of text are exactly xxx = xxx, i.e. two spaces and three set of characters:

for file in file1.txt file2.txt lastfile.txt
    awk '{ print $1, $2, "0" }' $file > tmp.tmp
    mv tmp.tmp $file

Thanks jim for the response. I tried the command you gave but it only append the 0 to the xxx. It doesn't overwrite the xxx with 0.