rerun a script if aborted and exited


When I run a script, the script sometimes exited. I need to re-run it automatically again. Currently I am using crontab to run the script each 5 minutes. However, I need to have a better solution.

Any idea what to do?


quick Idea came on mind. could be better one. anyway you cna try this

call the script from another script and for value $?. if it failed, you can re-try 'n' times.

If your script sets exit codes (as, in an ideal world, should any process) it is not too hard to use a script wrapper:

First skeleton:

#! /bin/ksh

.... your code ....

if [ ... some condition ...] ; then
     print - u2 "Houston, we have a problem. Aborting...."
     exit 1      # aborted for some reason

... more of your code ....

exit 0      # normal exit

Now the skeleton:

#! /bin/ksh

while : ; do         # call
     if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
          break         # exit the loop if finished normally

exit 0

I hope this helps.


hi melanie,

i guess your problem is that you want to make sure that your script is always running and you use the crontab to check if it does ?

As usual there is more that one way. If you need to be fast you can add this script to /etc/inittab very fast but if you are not root you can not do that.

Other wise the crontab is ok, check every minute (hour or what you need) if it is running.

pidof -x script >/dev/null || nohup script &