Request: Announcing a project


Eventhough i've been using it myself to write some scripts, which i share already, it is just within about the next 2 weeks it will be 'stable' enough (at the step from beta (2 years) to alpha) to actualy present it by its own.

I'm talking about: TUI - (line-based) Text User Interface.

Its GPLv3 and i am the author of it.

Since advertisments generaly are not allowed, i would like to ask if i may advertise/announce it when its ready to?
Specialy since my aim was for it to be functional on diffrent flavors, to me, this forum would be a great place to gather (possible) feedback and offer it to a wide/r audience.
Evenmore, possibly increase its functionality.

Thank you and kind regards

Since there was no answer yet, i started the mentioned thread.

Please see: as reference.

Thank you.

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