Replied new files

We need to create a process that run continues and whenever a file is placed in a specific directory, the process detected this new file and replicated in another directory.
How can we implement a process that allows automatic replies to the new files?


take a look at the rsync utility.

Option 1: Use rsync from one directory to the other
Option 2: Use File::Monitor
Option 3: If you're on Linux, code something up in C using inotify
Option 4: (might miss files)

cd /incoming
while true
    filename=$( basename $( ls -1t ) )
    if [ ! -e /replicate/${filename} ]
        cp /incoming/${filename} /replicate/.
    sleep 30

Tks for your awnser.

But it occurred one error with basename, it returns the fowlling error :

Usage: basename string [suffix]

Any ideia ?

Obviously 'ls -1t' in 'filename=$( basename $( ls -1t ) )' returns more than one file name, a thing which basename can't handle with. Try:

cd /incoming
while filename in "$(ls -1t)"
     if [ ! -e "/replicate/${filename}" ]

P.S. I didn't use basename at all, since /incoming may have subdirectories with files, which also should be taken into account while generating replicates

Wich values you will pass to filename ?

while filename in "$(ls -1t)"

I've made an error no double quotes are needed around $(ls -t)

To show, what values the variable filename gets, here is my example:
>cd sample_dir/

>ls -t

> for filename in $(ls -t) ; do echo "filename is $filename" ; done
filename is file3
filename is file2
filename is file1

It work's,
one last question : How can i only list files from a directory (no need the files in the subdirectory), ie list files and exclude the directorys.


in such cases I'm usually using 'find' command. Below is one possible solution. (Here we need basename in one place, since 'find' adds relative path in front of found files)

# your source/target directory may change
# so save it better in a variable

# looking for all files in source directory
# dereferencing soft links, not going deeper in
# subdirs - just as you wanted :-)
for filename in $(find -L $SRC_DIR -maxdepth 1 -type f)
    # looking if corresponding file does not exist in target directory
    if ! test -e "${TRG_DIR}$(basename $filename)"
        # copy if it doesn't
        cp ${filename}  ${TRG_DIR}
    # don't sleep on your workplace :-)
    #sleep 30

I've commented 'sleep' because I think that it would be better to add the execution of your script to crontab.