Replacing the last character for each line in a file

I have a csv file and will like to replace the last character of each line in the file with Z

what have you got?

Use awk's substr and length functions.

Example of file content:
ksh: cat result.dat
1.11a,Test result for scenario 1,1 2 3 4,p
1.12b,Test result for scenario 2,incomplete,q
1.13,Test result for scenario 3, 4 5 6,P

The number of characters per line varies but the last field is always one character (e.g ,p) and the number of fields per line is always 4

Thanks for assisting

this will do i guess

awk -F"," '{gsub($NF,"z")}{print}' filename

For easier understanding:

 awk '{printf("%s",substr($0,1,length($0)-1));b=substr($0,length($0)-1,1);sub(b,"Z",b);print b}' infile

-Devaraj Takhellambam

awk '{printf("%sZ\n",substr($0,1,length($0)-1)) ;}' test

Hi Jagadeeswaran,
This is an interesting command (awk '{printf("%sZ\n",substr($0,1,length($0)-1)) ;}' test).
Can please explain how it works


awk '{printf("%sZ\n",substr($0,1,length($0)-1)) ;}' test

print the line till the end (except last character) using


. "Z" is the the character tht u want to be the last one so he is printing ..U can print wht evr character u wish at the end.

In a slightly simpler form it may be easier to understand:

awk '{ print substr( $0 , 1, length-1 ) "Z" }'


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Alternatively, if you have perl:

$ perl -ne 'substr($_,-2,1)="Z"; print' result.dat
1.11a,Test result for scenario 1,1 2 3 4,Z
1.12b,Test result for scenario 2,incomplete,Z
1.13,Test result for scenario 3, 4 5 6,Z


Can you please explain how this command works


Here it is broken into its parts:

awk '{
 ll = length($0)                      ## length of the line
 linewanted = substr( $0, 1, ll - 1 ) ## line minus last character
 print linewanted "Z"                 ## print linewanted plus "Z"

How can I print the 2 fields if the last field is p for a csv file.
1.11a,test2,Test result for scenario 1,1 2 3 4,v
1.12b,test4,Test result for scenario 2,incomplete,p
1.13,test6,Test result for scenario 3, 4 5 6,p

Desired result is


people have shown you how to use awk already. last field value stands for $NF, second field stands for $2. therefore, pls try and show some code. Read the awk docs especially.

sed 's/.$/z/'

this expression allow to replace last character by z

-----Post Update-----

try1 is your file

cat try1 | while read line; do res=$(echo $line | awk -F "," '{print $NF}');if [ $res = "p" ];then var=$(echo $line | awk -F "," '{print $2}');echo $var;fi; done

-----Post Update-----

try1 is your file

cat try1 | while read line; do res=$(echo $line | awk -F "," '{print $NF}');if [ $res = "p" ];then var=$(echo $line | awk -F "," '{print $2}');echo $var;fi; done

no need while loop, cat and those extra if/else and awk. Just one awk command can do it.

certainly, but i haven't good knowledges in command awk.
I'm a beginner.

not sure if this works for csv
sed 's/$/z/g' filename