Replacement to cut command


Its been a long never programmed on Shell, thought this might be the opportunity to ask your valuable suggestion on one of the challenges I'm going through, regarding the parsing the string to variable with the usage of "CUT"

#Azure DataLake Path Of the File


#Shell Class

hiveClass () {
hadoop fs -ls ${DATASET_PATH}

#Variable that Stores the Complete Path of the File

var=`hiveClass | grep -i "parquet" | cut -d' ' -f15`

Example of Hive Class If executed Explicitly

spark@hn0-emrazs:~$ DATASET_PATH="adl://"

spark@hn0-emrazs:~$ hiveClass () {
> hadoop fs -ls ${DATASET_PATH}
> }

spark@hn0-xyz1:~$ var=`hiveClass | grep -i "parquet" | cut -d' ' -f15`

spark@hn0-xyz1:~$ echo "$var"

spark@hn0-xyz1:~$ var=`hiveClass | grep -i "parquet" | cut -d' ' -f14`

spark@hn0-xyz1:~$ echo "$var"

spark@hn0-xyz1:~$ var=`hiveClass | grep -i "parquet" | cut -d' ' -f16`

spark@hn0-xyz1:~$ echo "$var"

spark@hn0-xyz1:~$ var=`hiveClass | grep -i "parquet" | cut -d' ' -f13`

spark@hn0-xyz1:~$ echo "$var"

Raw Execution of the Command will have this Result

sparksshuser@hn0-xyz1:~$ hadoop fs -ls adl://

Found 2 items
-rw-r-----+  1 sparksshuser sparksshuser          0 2018-10-25 02:08 adl://

-rw-r-----+  1 sparksshuser sparksshuser     594663 2018-10-25 02:07 adl://

Now the Real Challenge is CUT with Field Value. The result will not have constant field value to ensure that I can schedule my script. Every time it changes because of the increase in file size byte.

var=`hiveClass | grep -i "parquet" | cut -d' ' -f13`

Now My question I wanted to cast complete File Url into Variable, so that I can use this as a feeder into Hive table without using "cut -d' ' -f???"


awk '{print $13}'

$13 is based on empty field if Im not wrong ?

But empty spaces may increase or decrease and more dynamic in nature. This is due to the field "size of the file" = "594663". If size of the file increases the by another 6 digits extra , something like "111222594663" , situation may come I have decrease from $13 to $10/11/12, which is not practically possible when jobs are scheduled and vice versa if the size decreases $13 to $14/15/16. Kindly advise , what would be the best approach.

-rw-r-----+  1 sparksshuser sparksshuser     594663 2018-10-25 02:07 adl://

Hi, try:

... | grep -i "parquet" | awk '{print $5}'


awk - with the default file separator values - clusters whitespace together, whereas cut counts each space character individually.

Funny, I count: field#8:

hadoop fs -ls | awk '/parquet/ {print $8}'

Or take the last field:

hadoop fs -ls | awk '/parquet/ {print $NF}'

If you need case-insensitive you can keep the grep -i

hadoop fs -ls | grep -iw "parquet" | awk '{print $NF}'